What Does it Mean to Respond as a Generator or Manifesting Generator?

Human Design, Business
what does it mean to respond as a generator or manifesting generator?

“Go out and create what you want,” they say. “Just do it,” they say. “Make it happen,” they say. While this is great advice, it’s not the whole story for 92% of the population. For the majority of us, life, and what we create with it, will feel so much more aligned and purposeful when we honor our human design strategy first. To respond as a generator or manifesting generator means that you are here to surrender to life. Your human design strategy is to let life come to you, and when opportunities show up in your world, you will have a response to them.  This response is felt in your...

4 Types of Projector Invitations & How to Leverage Them in Business

Human Design, Business
Projector Invitations

So, you’re a human design projector. And you’re trying to wrap your mind around this whole “wait for the invitation” thing. How do you have a successful soul-led business if you have to sit around and wait for clients and customers to invite you to work with them? Contrary to popular belief, waiting for an invitation is not a passive process. Here are the 4 types of projector invitations and how to leverage them in your business: 1.) THE EXPLICIT PROJECTOR INVITATION This is the kind of invitation that most projectors think they need to wait for in order to book new clients and customers. An explicit projector invitation is...

How to Make a Good Business Investment: 4 Lessons I Learned the Hard Way

Human Design, Business
a good business investment; girl in Sayulita jungle

“In one year, I will help you add $100K or more to your bottom line.” This was a lofty promise to make to 25 year-old me, who was just beginning her business, but Bill’s voice was like music to my ears and every one of my pain points. I decided right then and there that his program was a good business investment. By the time I was attending Bill’s business conference in late March 2015, I had already wracked up a good deal of credit card debt in order to make my business “look” and feel legitimate. Bringing in $100K over the next year would solve that problem and then...

6 Projector Success Practices That Will Blow Up Your Business

Human Design, Business
6 projector success practices to blow up your business

For projector success in business, the most important job you have is to take exquisite care of your energy. Think back to the times where you’ve felt well-resourced and well-nourished. What happens? 🪄 Maybe you tap into a limitless flow of inspiration that has you showing up like wild fire for your audience. 🪄 Maybe your guidance becomes so potent and powerful, that clients can’t help but talk and send referrals. 🪄 Maybe you feel so deliciously magnetic, that you pull in opportunities seemingly out of thin air, funneling new clients, cashflow, and collaborations into the business. One moment, invitations are trickling in.The next, they’re overflowing like a river in...

Helping a Human Design Projector Experience Career Success

Human Design
Working with a human design projector on career success

Have you ever wondered what’s possible when you receive coaching based on your human design chart? Lean in because I’m about to share my client journey with Dareen, a 4/6 splenic human design projector. When Dareen and I decided to work together earlier this year, she was in a job that was dragging her down. One of her major goals was to leave her current company and land a new role that was more aligned with her values. Here’s how our journey went: 💟 DAREEN IS A HUMAN DESIGN PROJECTOR From the start, it became clear that Dareen was not feeling seen or recognized in her current position. With a...

Unlock the Flow of Abundance With Human Design Strategy and Authority

Human Design, Travel

Last week, Ryan and I decided to go for an afternoon stroll around San Miguel de Allende. As we rounded a bend near the center, we came face to face with a fountain. I stopped in my tracks when I noticed this fountain because while the basin was overflowing with water, the stream was slightly missing its mark. Standing there, observing this happen, I realized how reflective it is of life. What if Life is consistently funneling blessings and opportunities towards us? But… if we’re not positioned to receive them, they simply miss their mark? If only we moved our hands a little to the right, we could catch the...

A New Chapter Begins 📖

Travel, Human Design
Kayla MacArthur

I’ve been IN IT lately. Have you? On June 1st, Ryan, Creature, and I packed up our Sayulita apartment and drove clear across the country to start a new chapter in San Miguel de Allende, a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its art, rich history, and charming colonial beauty. We chose to spend the summer in San Miguel because the cool, dry weather is a stark contrast to Sayulita’s intense heat and humidity. Little did I consider how tough this new chapter was going to be. Sayulita is my soul home. It’s one of the few places in the world that feels like an expression of who I know myself to...

My Business Fails in 2023 & What’s Working in 2024

Business, Human Design
business fails; girl at the beach; ocean; rocks

For many business owners, it’s been a tough year. If you’ve experienced business fails from the shifting economy or the changing landscape within your industry, you are not alone. After receiving clear intuitive guidance that it was time to pivot the foundations of my business model in 2023, I created four different paid offers throughout the year. Of these four offers, two failed completely. Of the other two, one was a smashing success, resulting in five lives changed, one participant becoming a private coaching client, and me having a blast while stepping into the role of teacher. Despite these business fails, what has kept me grounded and attracting opportunities in...

A Gift in the Dark: Lessons on Self-Love & Personal Power

Relationships, Human Design

“What if you’re powerful, even when you’re not creating or expressing? What if your power is never ‘off’—there are simply times when it isn’t visible to the world?”* As I let these questions sink in, my entire body exhaled—a breath I didn’t know I was holding.These are the kind of questions that make your shoulders drop and your thoughts stop. The kind that shake up your world to the point where it will never be the same again. In the span of seconds, I was anchored in and buoyed by a new truth. The puzzle pieces of self-understanding rearranged and clicked into place. And I felt free. Throughout my journey...

Having it All: The Unconventional Truth

Manifestation, Travel
Having It All

What does it mean to “have it all?” In my world, I believe having it all has less to do with accomplishing more and everything to do with how fully we’re showing up as our true selves.  Having it all is not a juggling act. It’s not committing to everything and everyone under the sun and then trying to figure out the most efficient and productive way to balance it all out. [Most of the time, having it all is about taking things OFF your plate]. In my world, in order to show up as our true selves, we must get crystal clear on what we value and what’s most...