Let’s talk about habits! What kind of magical habits do you want to cultivate in the New Year?
Here are my 16 magical habits for 2016…
Go to the gym 5 days per week. If I happen to miss a day or two here and there, be gentle with myself.
Eat with the seasons. Support local farmers and buy organic as much as possible.
Meal plan & prep for the week ahead.
Cook a scrumptious + cozy meal with Jon once per week for date night.
Complete a daily mindset practice. Right now, my practice includes meditation + EFT tapping.
Read a little bit every day.
Watch an inspiring video or listen to a personal growth seminar from one of my favorite mentors at least once per week.
Allow myself SPACE from my biz when I need it.
Complete my Full Moon Ritual to release what isn’t working and set new intentions for the month ahead.
Track money + value flowing to me on a daily basis.
Connect with someone (other than family or Jon) at least once per week. This could be friends, other entrepreneurs, and even YOU.
When the weather is fitting, spend time in nature at least once per week.
Send a soulful newsletter once per week.
Buy something just for me at least once per month (ex. a massage or spa treatment, a book, or energy healing sessions).
Make all of my decisions from a place of intuition + love.
GIVE MORE. Offer more free calls, do more give-aways, donate more stuff.
Now I want to hear from you!
What magical habits do YOU want to cultivate in 2016? How will these habits help you build your outer & inner strength??
When it comes to designing your new habits, the best place to start is to determine how you want to FEEL. When you are your best self, how do you feel?
After determining how you want to feel, you can then design your new habits by choosing activities that will create those feelings.
For example, I want to feel expansive, inspired, creative, connected, nourished, peaceful, authentic, and abundant. If you look at my habits, they all relate back to these core feelings. Each time I engage in one of the habits, I’ll be cultivating my desired feelings, in turn, feeling like the best version of me! 🙂
Comment below & let me know the top 3 habits you want to cultivate in the New Year.
Happy habit creating!
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