Posts by: Kayla MacArthur

The #1 Mindset Hack for Making Your Dreams a REALITY

Business, Manifestation, Travel
making your dreams a reality; Mountain View

Identifying what you want in life and business is easy.Making your dreams a REALITY is an entirely different story. How do you reconcile the two? There was a particular day four years ago—October 1st, 2013 to be exact—when the U.S. government was forced to shut down, and all of the national parks were closed until further notice. While this typically wouldn’t be an issue, that day, it was. It just happened to be the day my best friend and I were leaving to go on our eight week road trip across the U.S. Our intention was to visit all of the national parks 🙈 From the moment we decided to...

When Did You Stop Growing?


If you only let in what “feels good,” are you shortchanging your growth? I used to be defensive as hell. I hated feedback. I hated reflections. {Even when people had permission to give them}. They made me cringe. They made me cry. I made them mean that I was “doing something wrong.” AKA: a major trigger for me. To protect myself, I was like water on canvas—I never let them sink in. In fact, I went to war. I was “RIGHT.” They were “WRONG.” And as a result, I defended exactly where I didn’t want to stay. That’s the thing with creating what feels impossible—the way you’re used to being...

What If Awareness is Actually Keeping You Stuck?


Awareness is awesome. Until it isn’t enough. You can rattle off your resistance and describe every inch of how you hold yourself back. You can paint a picture of your patterns and how they keep you stuck. Yet, for how well you see your shadow, you don’t know how to move beyond it to create what feels impossible. You’re stuck IN IT. And all you want is to be free of it. That’s because awareness doesn’t cut it. You have to USE IT. When you’re aware of how you’re blocked, you’re not actually blocked—you’re choosing to be. Where it looks like you have a problem, what if there’s simply a...

4 Ways Expectations Are Killing Your Dreams & What to Do About It


Expectations are the kill joy of your dreams. And they are as vital to you as the air that fills your lungs. Expectations are the stuff you use to construct your perfect world. They are the measurement of choice when it comes to deciding whether things are going right/wrong or good/bad. When things measure up, all is calm and great. When things don’t measure up, your world turns upside down. Anger, frustration, disappointment—they feed on the fantasy in your head, tearing it to shreds along with the last ounce of power you could have used to create what you actually want. That’s the thing with expectations—they steal your power away....

6 Signs You’re On the Other Side of a Major Shift

Manifestation, Business
signs you're on the other side

What happened? Not long ago, you were lit up by your work and your ideas. You were taking action and thriving. You were dreaming BIG and creating. And then, you weren’t. Excitement and possibility took a hard brake and you were catapulted into a black hole of exhaustion and smallness. Now you’re trying to find your way out because 1.) it’s uncomfortable and 2.) you know you’re meant for more. I totally get it. And actually, for how uncomfortable and confusing it is, you’re in the best place you can be. Even though you can’t see it yet, magic is afoot and pretty soon, you’re going to blast out of...

How to Make Progress When You Want to Give Up

Kayla MacArthur

I’m currently stuffed into a sunken arm chair facing shelves and shelves of books. They’re faded and worn, some crumpled and torn at the edges. If I’m lucky, a soft, cool breeze floats in through the window to my left. It carries with it conversation and a tinkle of silverware from the tables below. If I listen hard enough, I can hear the Sawmill River rushing over its rocky bed. For quite some time now, I’ve wanted to visit the Book Mill. It’s quaint allure has called me closer and as I sit here, finally here, I can feel the magic and the charm I hoped it would have. In...

Can’t Get Out of Your Head? Try This.

Kayla MacArthur

This forest is unlike any I’ve ever known. It smells sweet. A scent you’d get from sap and pine needles baking in the heat. The air is clean and cool. The trees are strange—short, scrubby pines, twisting towards the sky. The wind whooshes through their tops, making a sound like ocean waves in the distance. I secretly wonder if they learned to imitate the sea from living next to it. Wandering down the pine needle path, sun spots dance in the grass and moss speckles the forest floor. There’s magic here. It’s palpable and real and I stop to breathe it in, taking it into me. When you’re grounded, you’re...

The Art of Getting Unstuck: Coming Home to Who You Want to Be

Kayla MacArthur

I carefully lowered myself into a small, shallow pool. It was worn in the smooth rock that spread over the Earth like butter. The water was warm and soft on my skin. Carefully lying back, I found the perfect nook to rest my head in. I took a deep breath and let my hands float to the surface of the water. Before me, sweeping blue mountains rose into rounded peaks. A river rushed forward, bubbling it’s way around boulders and rocks that dotted the bank. The air was pure and fresh with a hint of pine floating off the forest that flanked each side of the river. I sunk deep...

Clarity in Cabo: Why I’m Going Part-Time in My Coaching Business

Manifest More Success

Nothing can touch the bliss I feel. Even as we’re thousands of feet in the air flying home, a sense of peace has settled in my bones and I’m luxuriating in it like a bath. For the past four months, I’ve felt eerily lost. I thought that because my business had finally reached a certain level of success, I’d never feel this way again.. It seems, though, that no matter where you are on the journey, there are still stretches of discomfort where creativity dries up, utter exhaustion sets in, and the cash that flowed freely before, starts to slow. I’ve been patiently surrendering into this barren void and like...

What It Means to Love Your Darkness & Why Your Success Depends On It

love your darkness

I’m inflexible and rigid.An emotional roller coaster.I talk way more than I listen to the ones closest to me.I forget things easily.I can be so focused on what’s going on in my head that I completely miss whole parts of a conversation with my partner.I don’t have sustainable energy.I’m typically late for anything that requires my physical presence. And you know what? I love all of it. I love all of me. But it hasn’t always been like this. There’s a monstrous epidemic in our culture where we have become obsessed with our personal shortcomings; with all of the things we don’t like about ourselves. There’s a lot of pressure,...