I was speaking with a client last week about her discomfort with the need to prove herself.
For much of her career, she’s felt the drive to continuously learn and gain more knowledge so that she can appear as a true expert. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing—I was curious about the motivation behind her drive to learn. What was it?
As we dove deeper into the conversation, she told me a story about a fellow colleague who had avoided a serious and dangerous incident with one of his clients before it went sideways.
I asked her how her colleague had caught the incident.
Her answer was where the shift started to happen. She said, “well, he just knew. He felt it.”
Ahhhh. He had an intuition.
At that moment in time, her colleague hadn’t looked through his textbooks. Nor did he have memorized everything that could go wrong. He felt that something was off and followed his gut.
Underneath my client’s struggle to prove herself was the very real fear that if she didn’t know everything there was to know, she might seriously hurt someone in her line of work. With this kind of fear bubbling beneath the surface, I don’t blame her for always wanting to prove herself!
After our session, I began to think about my own experience with learning and intuition.
Much like my client, I’m also committed to honing my craft. I love watching videos and reading up on new tools and processes that will help me improve my coaching skills.
There was a point in time though, where I became too focused on learning everything perfectly. I would go into sessions, armed with these new processes, and try to carry them out precisely as I had learned them.
After the session, something felt off. I was disappointed in my performance. It didn’t flow. It didn’t feel good. And I felt like a horrible coach.
What I came to realize with this trial and error was that what makes my coaching so powerful is my ability to rely on my intuition.
My most powerful and impactful sessions are when I let go of the process and instead, ask questions—like magic—that form on the tip of my tongue. Every time I do this, the person in front of me has a major breakthrough that changes the trajectory of her life.
So what lesson can you take away here?
🪄 Success lies in listening to your intuition.
Think about it—your subconscious brain is always listening. Thousands of stimuli are constantly bombarding you, but the reason you’re not aware of every one of them is because a mechanism in the brain filters out what’s irrelevant to what the conscious brain is focused on.
It DOES NOT mean that you’re not recording everything, though. You’re most certainly recording these stimuli—but it’s your subconscious mind doing all the work.
So everything that you’ve ever learned or experienced from being a human in this world [even if you can’t consciously remember it] HAS been registered in your subconscious mind and it lives there, waiting for the moment when you need it most.
When my client’s colleague had an intuitive hit that something was off with his client, his subconscious mind searched all of its “files” from years of schooling and past experiences until it found the right information, which then bubbled up in the form of an intuitive gut feeling.
Just like when I coach, the questions that appear on the tip of my tongue are the result of my subconscious mind accessing the files I’ve collected over the years from my training and my life experience to form the exact, right questions.
We don’t give ourselves enough credit for what we already know.
In the case of intuition, your subconscious mind typically* has your back.
If you want to be more successful, start listening to it!
*I only say “typically” because if you have faulty beliefs and outdated programming, your intuition can sometimes parade as fear, especially when it comes to expanding into the next level of your soul-led life and business. It’s important to discern the difference! If you need help wading through them so that you can manifest the successful and sustainable business you know you’re meant for, let’s chat.
With love & intuition,
P.S. While intuition is a powerful tool to manifest more success, there are also tools to work specifically with your subconscious mind. Check out 4 Subconscious Hacks to Manifest More Success Immediately to learn more.

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