How to Move Through Disappointment with Grace & Ease in 3 Simple Steps


Disappointment is cruel. It steals your presence and litters your mind with fear. It’s that sinking sensation in the pit of your stomach. The heaviness in your heart. The thing that knocks you off your feet and makes you doubt your ability to manifest what you want and make waves in the world. As I’m nestled in front of the fire on this brisk winter day, I’m dwelling on disappointment. It’s happened for me this week. It’s happened for my community. It’s one of those things that happens for all of us. But as I stare into the flames, licking the cracked white ash of the wood, it becomes so...

What’s Your Word for 2017?

Kayla MacArthur

My word for 2016 was CONNECTION. In choosing this word, I set the divine intention to connect deeper to my Truth, to my intuition, and to my Tribe. Looking back on the year that has passed, I’m in shock as to how deeply this intention has manifested. Officially in 2016, I’ve owned my Truth as a powerful Coach & Manifestor. I’ve allowed myself to operate from the intuitive guidance I am given, no matter how scary or counter-intuitive it feels. And I’ve built an extremely engaged social media Tribe + a rock solid local community, where the relationships run deep and the energy is truly focused on positive support and...

How to Money Map Your Desires & Manifest Your Most Successful Year Yet

Manifest More Success

Over the weekend, I was perched up in my favorite little French bistro with my biz bestie, Ashley Hogan, where I was sharing with her how I crafted my yearly and monthly income goals based on everything I was truly desiring to manifest in 2017. Now let me tell you, the numbers I came up with did not feel like an easy feat. But seeing them mapped out in a such a way made them feel REAL. And when things feel real, they’re totally possible, right? So today, I want to share my step-by-step process with you so that you can become super excited about your own POSSIBILITIES and the...

Stop Worrying: 4 Signs Success is On the Way

signs success is on the way

Are there signs success is on the way in your life and business? Too often, we drive ourselves mad with anxiety, fall into the thick of despair, or decide to quit before the magic happens. When you have a vision and a mission to manifest, and you’re putting in the work to make it happen, it can feel disheartening when the results don’t show up. This is especially true if you’re a high achiever like me. When you’re not making the impact you’re here to make or closing the sales you thought you would, your mind starts spinning—”see, I told you this wouldn’t work. I told you that you weren’t...

Craft Your 2017 Vision: Two of the Best Tools to Manifest in the New Year

Manifest More Success

Vision is key. And clarity is even more key. When you point and sharpen the lens on the vision of your future, it brings it into focus. It makes it FEEL REAL. And if it feels real? It’s totally possible. The Universe knows where you want to go and what to give you more of. Your soul knows where you want to go and activates your intuition to notice the people, places, and opportunities that will get you where you want to go that much faster. Without clarity of vision, you have no direction. You have no foundation upon which to manifest your success. Last year, when I made the...

Your Definition of Success: Is it Helping or Hindering the Success of Your Business?

definition of success

$5,000 PER MONTH. This was my definition of success when I first opened my business. If I didn’t make $5,000 within my first month, I was a failure. So after booking seven sales conversations and receiving a “no” from every potential client, I was left with a whopping $0 earned and the belief that I was a complete and utter failure. It didn’t take much to fall into a deep, dark hole of entrepreneurial despair. Instead of focusing on the fact that I had booked SEVEN sales conversations, I focused on the lack of sales and clients. This created so much fear and doubt that when the next month came...

Are You Spreading Your Energy Too Thin?

Do What You Love

I get it. You’re lit up by SO many different things! Ideas are flowing. You feel called to this project and that one and oh! This one too! It’s like your creativity is on a field day and there’s so much to do, you can’t even figure out where to begin! You’re excited. But you’re also kind of exhausted. Mentally drained. And wondering why you’re still not making the impact you want to make. Believe it or not, trying to do so many different things is actually a form of self-sabotage. Spreading your energy too thin does nothing for you. In fact, it keeps you from accomplishing much at all....

4 Subconscious Hacks to Manifest More Success

Manifestation, Business
subconscious hacks; manifest more success; boots; waterfall

Contrary to popular belief, manifesting is not an entirely spiritual process. One of the things that sets my approach to manifesting apart is that I’m both spiritual, as well as practical. Do I believe in the Universe and its energy? Yes.Do I believe that manifestation solely occurs because of the Universe and its energy? No. As a student of Psychology, I’ve always been curious about how the mind works and believe me when I say this, the mind plays a major role in what we manifest. Mike Dooley said it best when he coined “thoughts become things.“ When you have a clear thought about something you want to create in...

How You Keep Self-Sabotage Alive & What You Can Do to Heal It

Manifest More Success

For most of my life, I’ve avoided anything to do with managing money. I distinctly remember resisting my Dad’s attempts to teach me about budgeting, about the stock market, about taking out loans, about doing taxes. And if you asked me why I was so resistant, I wouldn’t have had an answer for you—that is, up until recently. Up until I was doing my own deep mindset work and I uncovered a belief that I bought into a long time ago. The belief that money equals pain. A belief that formed as I witnessed my parents occasionally fight about money. A belief that formed as I witnessed my Dad’s anxiety...

How Not to Live Your Life {Unless You Want to Be Successful AND Free}


Today, I’m writing to you from a cute little coffee shop in North Conway. The sky is bright and clear. The air is crisp and freshly fallen leaves blanket the sidewalks. The colors are unreal. Brilliant yellows. Blazing reds. Bright oranges. Being so far from home, tucked away before sweeping mountain views, I can’t help but revel in how grateful I am for my life. For where I am in this exact moment. It was only three years ago that I was a tiny spec on the map of America, puttering my way through the lush beauty of the state of Oregon on the road trip that would change my...