When Life Hands You Lemons, Go to Bali

Kayla MacArthur

I’m still in shock that I’m flying half way across the world tomorrow… To write my book. In Bali. On a Writer’s Retreat. How crazy is it that dreams you thought weren’t happening for years, HAPPEN?! It all began last Wednesday evening, as I was flipping through the worn pages of my travel journal and came across an entry that stopped my heart. Here’s what I wrote: “I realized, that for the first time, mental illness was absent from my every day life. I interacted with other people like me–driven, motivated, passionate. They were all “normal” people, living a life of their own personal effort. Most were very successful. I...

It’s Time To Get Raw & Tell You What’s Really Behind All Of This

Kayla MacArthur

How did I get here? Maybe you’ve wondered why I’ve detoured so far from fitness and re-routed completely towards mindset & personal growth… Maybe you haven’t. Either way, I’m ready to tell you the story. It’s not going to be easy for me. I’m not completely comfortable delving into this wound, but I’ve been hiding it for far too long and I want you to know that no matter how much success it appears I’ve been having, it hasn’t always been like this. My story starts in the budding days of summer when my business BOOMED. The debut of my wildly successful 7 Day Summer Abs Challenge led to three...

How to Become More Successful With This One Radical Truth


If I asked you, “do you feel successful?” What would you say? The answers I’ve heard most often are: “Yes, but…” “I’ll get there someday.” “Nope, not at all.” These answers break my heart because it doesn’t have to be this way, but I also totally get why it is this way. I would have said the same things a few months ago. Ever since I can remember, I’ve held the bar extremely high for myself. When I’ve been successful in others’ eyes, I’ve felt lacking in my own. In fact, when it came time to reflect on my first year in business, I felt that familiar feeling of disappointment;...

The One Thing You Need to Do to Create Massive Change in Your Life

Grand Tetons

The one thing you need to do to create massive change in your life has to do with your mindset. There’s a certain mindset you need to have when you want to create the changes you want to see. Whether you want to create a healthy body, an amazing relationship, more money, or a career that lights you up, first and foremost, you are going to have to work on your mind. Mindset is the stream from which everything flows. Think about it: everything that was ever created, whether it’s the light bulb or your favorite pair of shoes, was first a thought in someone’s mind. What enables that person...

How to Manifest a New Job in 24 Hours

How to manifest a new job

If you’ve landed on this page, you’re probably wondering how to manifest a new job quickly. Over the past two weeks, I’ve used a simple formula to call in a perfect-for-me part-time job AND a free spot in a six month coaching program valued at $5,000 with a dream mentor. It almost doesn’t feel real, but it is. And it all became possible because I learned how to harness the magic of the Universe ✨ We are the powerful creators of our lives. So, if you don’t like the reality you’re living in, you have the power to change it, including manifesting a new job, a new career, or a...

Everything You’ve Ever Wanted is Already There

Kayla MacArthur

My mind is expanding. My consciousness is expanding. I feel like I’m expanding beyond the confines of skin and bone and limbs. There’s too much light and awareness and magic and knowing bursting forth, I can hardly contain it! HOW DOES IT FEEL TO KNOW THAT EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED IS ALREADY LINED UP FOR YOU TO HAVE?  It’s true. Everything you desire is waiting for you to step into. It’s not without struggle, it’s not without patience, it’s not without action.  But it’s there. Oh boy, is it there. You see, when you believe in your vision without a doubt, when you can see your vision in your mind...

16 Magical Habits For 2016 ➸

Kayla MacArthur

Let’s talk about habits! What kind of magical habits do you want to cultivate in the New Year? Here are my 16 magical habits for 2016… ::Body:: Go to the gym 5 days per week. If I happen to miss a day or two here and there, be gentle with myself.​ Eat with the seasons. Support local farmers and buy organic as much as possible. Meal plan & prep for the week ahead. Cook a scrumptious + cozy meal with Jon once per week for date night. ::Mind:: Complete a daily mindset practice. Right now, my practice includes meditation + EFT tapping. Read a little bit every day. Watch an inspiring...