Business Success

How to Make a Good Business Investment: 4 Lessons I Learned the Hard Way

Human Design, Business
a good business investment; girl in Sayulita jungle

“In one year, I will help you add $100K or more to your bottom line.” This was a lofty promise to make to 25 year-old me, who was just beginning her business, but Bill’s voice was like music to my ears and every one of my pain points. I decided right then and there that his program was a good business investment. By the time I was attending Bill’s business conference in late March 2015, I had already wracked up a good deal of credit card debt in order to make my business “look” and feel legitimate. Bringing in $100K over the next year would solve that problem and then...

6 Projector Success Practices That Will Blow Up Your Business

Human Design, Business
6 projector success practices to blow up your business

For projector success in business, the most important job you have is to take exquisite care of your energy. Think back to the times where you’ve felt well-resourced and well-nourished. What happens? 🪄 Maybe you tap into a limitless flow of inspiration that has you showing up like wild fire for your audience. 🪄 Maybe your guidance becomes so potent and powerful, that clients can’t help but talk and send referrals. 🪄 Maybe you feel so deliciously magnetic, that you pull in opportunities seemingly out of thin air, funneling new clients, cashflow, and collaborations into the business. One moment, invitations are trickling in.The next, they’re overflowing like a river in...

My Business Fails in 2023 & What’s Working in 2024

Business, Human Design
business fails; girl at the beach; ocean; rocks

For many business owners, it’s been a tough year. If you’ve experienced business fails from the shifting economy or the changing landscape within your industry, you are not alone. After receiving clear intuitive guidance that it was time to pivot the foundations of my business model in 2023, I created four different paid offers throughout the year. Of these four offers, two failed completely. Of the other two, one was a smashing success, resulting in five lives changed, one participant becoming a private coaching client, and me having a blast while stepping into the role of teacher. Despite these business fails, what has kept me grounded and attracting opportunities in...

1 Minute Mindset Reset to Stress Less & Trust More in Your Business

stress less

When you’re presented with a challenge as a business owner, the hardest part is not knowing what’s going to happen or how it’s all going to work out. You can’t see the future.Or if the dots are going to connect.  When this happens, your mind goes into overdrive. —am I going to be okay?—is that sale going to come through?—will I have to go back to my dreadful, soul-sucking job? With all of this mind chatter, how is it possible to stress less and trust more in your business? Here’s the thing: Over the past nine years that I’ve been an entrepreneur, I’ve found that the dots ALWAYS connect. Miracles...

How to Get the Best Client Testimonials

get the best client testimonials

How many times have you asked for client testimonials, to which they excitedly replied—“of course!”—only for weeks to go by without a testimonial appearing in your inbox? This scenario has occurred for me more times than I can count, whether I’m asking for a client testimonial or I’ve been asked to write one for someone else.  It’s not that our clients don’t want to share the magic of our work with the world, nor are they unappreciative of our product or service. It’s quite the opposite.  Our product or service has had such an impact on their lives, that to capture the breadth and depth of that experience requires a bit...

Do You Have a Marketing Problem or an Avoidance Problem?

marketing problem; girl hiking; Mountain View

If you’re a brand new or new-ish service-based business owner and you think you have a marketing problem, you most likely have an avoidance problem. Here’s why… For you, mastering marketing is alluring. The world of marketing makes you believe that if your marketing was on point, THEN you would have the epic, thriving business you dream of. You know—the one you imagined when you first signed up for entrepreneurship. Seriously though: ❌ If only you could pinpoint your ideal client with the right words, in the right way, she will flock to you!❌ If only you had a solid brand that stands out and shines, she will blow up your inbox!❌...

Is Willpower Helping You Create More of What You Don’t Want?


When you want something, you want it.You’re persistent and determined. You’re in it for the long haul.You don’t give up or quit easily. Willpower is a blessing, right? It can be—when you’re using it as fuel to create more of what you want. Willpower is tricky because it keeps you in the game, but it can be difficult to see when you’re playing for the wrong team. Just like willpower is the magic that conjures up what you intend to create, it can also be a spell that holds you back. Maybe you’re pinning all of your hopes and dreams onto a specific outcome that’s not in the cards for...

The Profit First Method: Overcoming Feast or Famine in Your Business

profit first method

Money has always been a struggle for me.It’s likely something I’ll be mastering for the rest of my life. While I’ve increased my capacity to earn over the years [from my own hands, tears, and heart], hanging onto it has been a different beast entirely. It’s easy for me to experience feast or famine in my business—to create large sums, reinvest them, and deplete to the point of pain before replenishing again. In November, I had a powerful insight followed by an even more powerful question: 💭 How can I relate to money as a circle instead of a pendulum? A circle has no edges. It’s infinite. It travels around...

The #1 Mindset Hack for Making Your Dreams a REALITY

Business, Manifestation, Travel
making your dreams a reality; Mountain View

Identifying what you want in life and business is easy.Making your dreams a REALITY is an entirely different story. How do you reconcile the two? There was a particular day four years ago—October 1st, 2013 to be exact—when the U.S. government was forced to shut down, and all of the national parks were closed until further notice. While this typically wouldn’t be an issue, that day, it was. It just happened to be the day my best friend and I were leaving to go on our eight week road trip across the U.S. Our intention was to visit all of the national parks 🙈 From the moment we decided to...

What a Lack of Motivation in Your Business Really Means & What to Do About It

lack of motivation

It’s been raining in Massachusetts for a month.Every day has been cloudy, cold, and bleak.Winter is clinging desperately, digging its heels into the fresh soil of spring. While it would be easy to blame my lack of motivation in my business on winter’s inability to surrender, I know deep down that my energetic rut isn’t about the weather—it’s the same old pattern coming back around again. You know, the pattern you think you’ve healed, only to have it show up on your doorstep wrapped in different paper. For the majority of my life, I’ve struggled with getting stuck in a lack of motivation and cycling through energetic highs and lows....