Client Case Study

Helping a Human Design Projector Experience Career Success

Human Design
Working with a human design projector on career success

Have you ever wondered what’s possible when you receive coaching based on your human design chart? Lean in because I’m about to share my client journey with Dareen, a 4/6 splenic human design projector. When Dareen and I decided to work together earlier this year, she was in a job that was dragging her down. One of her major goals was to leave her current company and land a new role that was more aligned with her values. Here’s how our journey went: 💟 DAREEN IS A HUMAN DESIGN PROJECTOR From the start, it became clear that Dareen was not feeling seen or recognized in her current position. With a...

How to Get the Best Client Testimonials

get the best client testimonials

How many times have you asked for client testimonials, to which they excitedly replied—“of course!”—only for weeks to go by without a testimonial appearing in your inbox? This scenario has occurred for me more times than I can count, whether I’m asking for a client testimonial or I’ve been asked to write one for someone else.  It’s not that our clients don’t want to share the magic of our work with the world, nor are they unappreciative of our product or service. It’s quite the opposite.  Our product or service has had such an impact on their lives, that to capture the breadth and depth of that experience requires a bit...

Intuition: The Best Tool to Manifest More Success

Manifestation, Business
intuition; Kayla MacArthur; snow; woods; girl in the woods on a snowy path

I was speaking with a client last week about her discomfort with the need to prove herself. For much of her career, she’s felt the drive to continuously learn and gain more knowledge so that she can appear as a true expert. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing—I was curious about the motivation behind her drive to learn. What was it? As we dove deeper into the conversation, she told me a story about a fellow colleague who had avoided a serious and dangerous incident with one of his clients before it went sideways. I asked her how her colleague had caught the incident. Her answer was where the...