Cyclical Living

A Gift in the Dark: Lessons on Self-Love & Personal Power

Relationships, Human Design

“What if you’re powerful, even when you’re not creating or expressing? What if your power is never ‘off’—there are simply times when it isn’t visible to the world?”* As I let these questions sink in, my entire body exhaled—a breath I didn’t know I was holding.These are the kind of questions that make your shoulders drop and your thoughts stop. The kind that shake up your world to the point where it will never be the same again. In the span of seconds, I was anchored in and buoyed by a new truth. The puzzle pieces of self-understanding rearranged and clicked into place. And I felt free. Throughout my journey...

6 Signs You’re On the Other Side of a Major Shift

signs you're on the other side

What happened? Not long ago, you were lit up by your work and your ideas. You were taking action and thriving. You were dreaming BIG and creating. And then, you weren’t. Excitement and possibility took a hard brake and you were catapulted into a black hole of exhaustion and smallness. Now you’re trying to find your way out because 1.) it’s uncomfortable and 2.) you know you’re meant for more. I totally get it. And actually, for how uncomfortable and confusing it is, you’re in the best place you can be. Even though you can’t see it yet, magic is afoot and pretty soon, you’re going to blast out of...

What a Lack of Motivation in Your Business Really Means & What to Do About It

lack of motivation

It’s been raining in Massachusetts for a month.Every day has been cloudy, cold, and bleak.Winter is clinging desperately, digging its heels into the fresh soil of spring. While it would be easy to blame my lack of motivation in my business on winter’s inability to surrender, I know deep down that my energetic rut isn’t about the weather—it’s the same old pattern coming back around again. You know, the pattern you think you’ve healed, only to have it show up on your doorstep wrapped in different paper. For the majority of my life, I’ve struggled with getting stuck in a lack of motivation and cycling through energetic highs and lows....

How to Manifest With the Moon

manifest with the moon; full moon

This year, I made a spiritual commitment to manifest with the moon. At her core, the moon represents feminine energy and the process of creation. Not only does she influence the ebb and flow of the tides, she influences the ebb and flow of our feelings and energy. She invites us to reflect and explore our inner world more deeply. When the moon is new in the sky, she is death—dark and hollow. I like to think of her as an empty container, waiting to be filled with light. The new moon asks us to plant seeds in the void. She asks us to set intentions and goals so that...