Habits & Rituals

Create A New Reality With This Witchy New Years Ritual

witchy new years ritual

So I have this witchy new years ritual đź”® Every year on new year’s eve and day, I have experiences that will help me expand into, embody, and amplify the feelings and vibes I want to experience in the year ahead. For example, when ringing in 2017, my previous partner and I rented a hotel room that overlooked the city of Boston and booked a reservation at one of the finest steakhouses in the area. When we got back to our hotel room that night, we caught the last bit of fireworks over the Boston harbor. *Swoon* Talk about finery, luxury, and sweet surprise. That was the year I was...

Intuition: The Best Tool to Manifest More Success

Manifestation, Business
intuition; Kayla MacArthur; snow; woods; girl in the woods on a snowy path

I was speaking with a client last week about her discomfort with the need to prove herself. For much of her career, she’s felt the drive to continuously learn and gain more knowledge so that she can appear as a true expert. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing—I was curious about the motivation behind her drive to learn. What was it? As we dove deeper into the conversation, she told me a story about a fellow colleague who had avoided a serious and dangerous incident with one of his clients before it went sideways. I asked her how her colleague had caught the incident. Her answer was where the...

How to Manifest With the Moon

manifest with the moon; full moon

This year, I made a spiritual commitment to manifest with the moon. At her core, the moon represents feminine energy and the process of creation. Not only does she influence the ebb and flow of the tides, she influences the ebb and flow of our feelings and energy. She invites us to reflect and explore our inner world more deeply. When the moon is new in the sky, she is death—dark and hollow. I like to think of her as an empty container, waiting to be filled with light. The new moon asks us to plant seeds in the void. She asks us to set intentions and goals so that...

6 Ways to Create Strong Connections

Business, Manifestation, Travel
create strong connections; group of women in Bali

If you’re ready to leap into the next level of your soul-led life and business, you need to take stock of what and who you’re surrounding yourself with. Is your environment conducive to the direction you want to go?Are your relationships supportive?Do you have access to people who are where you want to be? If you want to rise, you have to surround yourself with people who also want to rise, or have already risen. You need to create strong connections. Why? “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”– Jim Rohn Like Jim Rohn suggests, you become more like the people you associate...