Los Angeles

What Really Happens When You Attend a Rich Litvin Intensive…

Travel, Business
Rich Litvin Intensive

It’s quickly becoming a tradition to pull out my lap top on the flight home from a Rich Litvin Intensive to sift through the weekend. This year, my reflection will be different. Putting transformation to words is difficult. This is heart transformation, not head. Unlike last year, I didn’t go to the Rich Litvin Intensive to be a participant. I went to the Rich Litvin Intensive to be on the leadership team, which is made up of the source team and the coaching team. As a member of the source team, I volunteered to work behind-the-scenes to ensure that the event ran smoothly, while also offering support to the coaches,...

3 Powerful Insights From a Rich Litvin Coaching Intensive

Travel, Business
Rich Litvin Coaching Intensive

Before we left the Rich Litvin Coaching Intensive to go back to our lives, and a world that didn’t expand like we did, Rich encouraged us to sit with our experiences and insights—to keep them to ourselves and let them shift how we show up in the world. He encouraged us to let people feel our expansion, rather than talk about it. While I have every intention of honoring his wisdom, I also know myself well enough to know that my expansion integrates more deeply from turning around and teaching. While I can’t possibly fit the magnitude of what I experienced at the Rich Litvin Coaching Intensive into a single...

6 Ways to Create Strong Connections

Business, Manifestation, Travel
create strong connections; group of women in Bali

If you’re ready to leap into the next level of your soul-led life and business, you need to take stock of what and who you’re surrounding yourself with. Is your environment conducive to the direction you want to go?Are your relationships supportive?Do you have access to people who are where you want to be? If you want to rise, you have to surround yourself with people who also want to rise, or have already risen. You need to create strong connections. Why? “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”– Jim Rohn Like Jim Rohn suggests, you become more like the people you associate...