
What It Means to Love Your Darkness & Why Your Success Depends On It

love your darkness

I’m inflexible and rigid.An emotional roller coaster.I talk way more than I listen to the ones closest to me.I forget things easily.I can be so focused on what’s going on in my head that I completely miss whole parts of a conversation with my partner.I don’t have sustainable energy.I’m typically late for anything that requires my physical presence. And you know what? I love all of it. I love all of me. But it hasn’t always been like this. There’s a monstrous epidemic in our culture where we have become obsessed with our personal shortcomings; with all of the things we don’t like about ourselves. There’s a lot of pressure,...

What a Lack of Motivation Really Means & What to Do About It

lack of motivation

It’s been raining in Massachusetts for a month.Every day has been cloudy, cold, and bleak.Winter is clinging desperately, digging its heels into the fresh soil of spring. While it would be easy to blame my lack of motivation in my business on winter’s inability to surrender, I know deep down that my energetic rut isn’t about the weather—it’s the same old pattern coming back around again. You know, the pattern you think you’ve healed, only to have it show up on your doorstep wrapped in different paper. For the majority of my life, I’ve struggled with getting stuck in a lack of motivation and cycling through energetic highs and lows....

3 Powerful Insights From a Rich Litvin Coaching Intensive

Travel, Business
Rich Litvin Coaching Intensive

Before we left the Rich Litvin Coaching Intensive to go back to our lives, and a world that didn’t expand like we did, Rich encouraged us to sit with our experiences and insights—to keep them to ourselves and let them shift how we show up in the world. He encouraged us to let people feel our expansion, rather than talk about it. While I have every intention of honoring his wisdom, I also know myself well enough to know that my expansion integrates more deeply from turning around and teaching. While I can’t possibly fit the magnitude of what I experienced at the Rich Litvin Coaching Intensive into a single...

Intuition: The Best Tool to Manifest More Success

Manifestation, Business
intuition; Kayla MacArthur; snow; woods; girl in the woods on a snowy path

I was speaking with a client last week about her discomfort with the need to prove herself. For much of her career, she’s felt the drive to continuously learn and gain more knowledge so that she can appear as a true expert. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing—I was curious about the motivation behind her drive to learn. What was it? As we dove deeper into the conversation, she told me a story about a fellow colleague who had avoided a serious and dangerous incident with one of his clients before it went sideways. I asked her how her colleague had caught the incident. Her answer was where the...


Kayla MacArthur

When I first stepped off the traditional career path to do what I love, I had this skewed idea of what Coaching could really do. I knew Coaching was powerful, but I also thought that Coaching could guarantee results. I thought that Coaches possessed magical guidance that would poof me into the reality I dreamed about—that just because I invested money into a program, meant that I would receive the results the program promised. How could you blame me though, when I didn’t have a guide to warn me about inflated marketing? Or about multi-million dollar Coaches who were way out of integrity? I had no one. Not a friend....

Are You Trying to Be Like Everyone Else When it Comes to Doing What You Love?

Manifest More Success

Maybe it feels safer that way. Maybe it makes more sense when you really think about it. Maybe it’s easier because then you don’t have to show people who you really are, or even deeper yet—you don’t have to admit who you really are to yourself. If there’s one thing I know about success, it’s that success only comes when you are 100% aligned. So if you aren’t experiencing the level of success you’d like to experience {or even some version of it, because yes, it does take time for success to unfold}, ask yourself: Where am I out of alignment? Am I doing what I’m doing in my life...

Victim vs. Creator: Who Are You Being?

Manifest More Success

Hit the rewind button to three years ago, when I was stuffed in a car for thirty hours on the way home from our last stop in Denver. It had been eight weeks since I’d lived a normal life and returning home felt like a cage. {Listen on SoundCloud >>here} I remember watching the tiny beads of rain cling to the windshield and feeling their pain as they were ripped away by the wind. Outside, miles of flat farmland swept by. Somewhere on the horizon of Missouri, with legs folded on the seat and journal pressed against my thighs, my hair stood on end and my heart sank into my...

How Not to Live Your Life {Unless You Want to Be Successful AND Free}


Today, I’m writing to you from a cute little coffee shop in North Conway. The sky is bright and clear. The air is crisp and freshly fallen leaves blanket the sidewalks. The colors are unreal. Brilliant yellows. Blazing reds. Bright oranges. Being so far from home, tucked away before sweeping mountain views, I can’t help but revel in how grateful I am for my life. For where I am in this exact moment. It was only three years ago that I was a tiny spec on the map of America, puttering my way through the lush beauty of the state of Oregon on the road trip that would change my...

How to Activate Your Personal Power in 3 Steps

personal power

During the transition from July to August of this year, something shifted within me. Similar to how a switch flips on and fills a room with light, a switch flipped on within me and activated a part of my personal power that was previously persisting in darkness. When I finally raised my coaching fees, in many ways, I stepped up my game, but none more powerful than in my coaching itself. It’s hard to describe the exact shift that occurred, but what I do know is that I became fearless. What I do know is that I started to trust my intuition and my uncanny ability to make connections. What...

How to Stop Sabotaging Success

Business, Manifestation
stop sabotaging success; feet; moss; fire

Operating in the depths of your subconscious mind is a matrix of programming that rules you. This matrix rules the way you think, the way you feel, and the way you act. While it may seem like you’re in complete control of how you operate, this isn’t always the case. So, how does this matrix form and how do you work with it to stop sabotaging success?  Fundamentally, humans are hardwired for survival. As you grow up and experience the world around you, you learn what thoughts, feelings, and actions WORK—what keeps you alive—and then, with repetition, what works gets programmed into the subconscious mind. Some life experiences foster a...