“Go out and create what you want,” they say.
“Just do it,” they say.
“Make it happen,” they say.
While this is great advice, it’s not the whole story for 92% of the population.
For the majority of us, life, and what we create with it, will feel so much more aligned and purposeful when we honor our human design strategy first.
To respond as a generator or manifesting generator means that you are here to surrender to life. Your human design strategy is to let life come to you, and when opportunities show up in your world, you will have a response to them.
This response is felt in your gut as a sacral YES [uh-huh] or a sacral NO [nuh-uh].
Every cell in your body will come alive, or not.
The way your gut responds is your body-based compass—your sacral YES being true north.
When you take actions and move forward with opportunities that have been validated by your gut, you protect and expand the deep well of sustainable life-force energy that you naturally possess.
Funneling your life-force energy into actions and opportunities that do not light you up will leave you feeling frustrated and exhausted. While you might be able to keep up appearances for some time, with each passing week, month, or year, the vast well of energy you once possessed will siphon off and deplete.
Instead of feeling radiant and magnetic, you’ll feel dull or dead inside.
On the flip side, funneling your life-force energy into actions and opportunities that DO light you up will leave you feeling satisfied and energized. You will be a beacon for MORE of life’s magic, drawing in opportunities and synchronicities with your radiant and magnetic aura.
Let’s look at an example.
I recently had a coaching session with a manifesting generator client who wanted to get clear on which strategy to implement next in her business.
Before we had our session, she kept a tab on ideas that elicited a sacral YES.
For example, while reading a book between sessions, she got a sacral hit to move all project deadlines to Friday.
Another idea came through when she attended a colleague’s online workshop and got a sacral hit to offer something similar, but tailored to her niche and expertise.
After sharing each idea with me, I asked her which one was lighting her up the most. In true manifesting generator fashion, there were a few that she wanted to move forward with.
Only then did we flesh out each idea and map out a plan to “make them happen.” By the time we got off the call, she was glowing and filled with life-force energy to get started.
As you can see, each idea on her list came from having a gut response to something that she had been experiencing in real time. She didn’t need to generate a list of ideas using her logical mind—they naturally found her as she engaged with the world around her.
This is why it’s so helpful as a generator or manifesting generator to immerse yourself in life, especially when it comes to owning a business.
Listen to podcasts.
Join masterminds.
Go to networking events.
Attend workshops.
Scroll social media.
Your next big success won’t come from your mind or from isolating yourself and living in a vacuum. It’s going to come from being present to the world around you and trusting your gut to lead the way.
So if this is how you’re designed, why does it feel difficult to respond as a generator or manifesting generator?
➡️ Conditioning about how life “should” go.
Growing up, we’re all exposed to familial, cultural, and societal conditioning about how life “should” go. Some of us break free from this conditioning and carve our own paths, while others get stuck and end up living a life that someone else wanted for them.
If you are operating from disempowering conditioning, you may sense your gut response, but struggle to honor it, especially when a sacral YES is in direct conflict with your conditioning. Maybe you became a doctor because your family or culture pushed you to, and now, you’re struggling to honor a sacral YES to leave it all behind and start your own jewelry making business.
➡️ Relying on the mind to make decisions.
When it comes to making decisions, we’ve been taught to prioritize logic and what makes rational sense. We’ve been conditioned to believe that the mind knows best. But as a generator or manifesting generator, your mind is not your compass, your gut is.
When you rely solely on your mind to make decisions, you risk talking yourself into or out of opportunities and actions based on fear, obligation, or what “makes sense.”
This often leads to decisions that are out of alignment with your truth. Your gut response might be calling you toward something expansive and key to your evolution, but your mind will shut it down, arguing that it’s too risky or that you’ll fail, so why try anyways.
The key is to practice quieting the mind and tuning into your body-based authority when life presents you with opportunities and options.
If you’re struggling to tune into your gut response:
✨ Have someone ask you yes or no questions about the opportunities or options you’ve been presented with. Pay attention to how your gut responds to each question.
✨ Your gut is more reliable to respond as a generator or manifesting generator in real-time, so don’t shy away from putting yourself in the arena. For example, if you’re struggling to decide which location to move to next, arrange a trip to visit each option and tune into your gut in real-time.
It’s also important to note that if you have an emotional authority, you’ll need to tune into your gut over time when it comes to making medium to big decisions. If you have sacral authority, you can trust your initial gut response for all levels of decisions.
➡️ Gripping too tightly to “the plan.”
Generators and manifesting generators thrive when life has room to unfold spontaneously and organically. This doesn’t mean you can’t make a plan, but it does mean to hold the plan and outcome lightly.
When you hold a plan too rigidly, or try to bend life to your will, you may close yourself off to the magic of responding. You might miss a golden opportunity because it doesn’t fit into your pre-existing timeline or expectations.
Especially as a manifesting generator, your life and purpose are unlikely to follow a straight line. Trust that detours and pivots are part of your path. What lights you up today might shift tomorrow—and that’s okay. Your gut response is designed to keep you in alignment, even if it leads you somewhere unexpected.
The more you can release control and allow yourself to be guided by your gut, the more aligned and satisfying the journey will be.
Now, just because you honor your gut response does not mean that life will unfold perfectly and you’ll be blessed with a pair of rose colored glasses.
To respond as a generator or manifesting generator does not mean that you won’t experience challenges, obstacles, or failures.
Following your gut is not a way to spiritually bypass life’s difficulties.
If you receive a sacral YES to take a certain action or commit to an opportunity and it doesn’t work out the way you thought it would, this is also a part of your path and likely a key part of your evolution.*
Challenge and discomfort lead to growth.
Even in these scenarios, your gut is guiding you towards alignment and the ultimate expression of your purpose 🤍
*Please note: I am not referring to traumatic experiences here. Trauma, violence, and oppression are never okay and not requirements for growing and evolving as humans.
If you still have questions about responding as a generator or manifesting generator, drop them below ⬇️
If you’d like to deep dive your unique chart, book a SIGNATURE, LIFE PURPOSE, or SUSTAINABLE SUCCESS human design reading with me.
Remember, to respond as a generator or manifesting generator:
You are not here to create from a blank canvas.
You are here to immerse in art [life] and let it show you what to paint.
Trust your gut to lead the way 🪄
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