Magic & Mexican Beach Towns: When Vision Board Life Becomes Real Life

Manifestation, Travel

When I first visited Sayulita back in May of 2021, there was a particular doorway I would always pass by on my way into town.

Aside from it being bright red, there was nothing uniquely noteworthy about it, yet every time I walked by, I had a feeling that I had seen it before; like I had known it from some other part of the world.

For weeks, I walked past this door, unable to shake the mysterious familiarity.

Then, during the last week of my visit, it finally clicked.

My partner and I were walking back from breakfast when I gasped and came to a dead stop on the sidewalk. I could hardly dial my mom’s number fast enough.

When she picked up, I asked her to go to my room and take a photo of the vision board over my dresser.

Sure enough, there it was—the door to Petite Hotel Hafa.
The only Petite Hotel Hafa in the world.

Goosebumps prickled my arms and every one of my hairs stood on end.

Back in 2014, just before launching my business, I had rummaged through a stack of magazines, cutting out random images to paste on my vision board that represented the kind of life I wanted to lead.

And now, seven years later, I found myself standing face to face with one of the cut outs in REAL TIME.

If that wasn’t freaky enough, it gets freakier.

In 2016, I first heard about the small Mexican beach town of Sayulita from a coach I was following. She had talked up the town so much that I had started researching AirBnb’s and begging my [then] boyfriend to take me.

Unfortunately, we never made it.

Little did I know, I would eventually come to Sayulita, fall in love, discover a random door from my vision board downtown, and MOVE THERE on September 1st, 2021.

Tomorrow, my partner and I will celebrate one year in this special spot, and thanks to the awesome owners of Casa PŌNO, we’ll be here for at least one more.

Have you ever felt like your life was adding up before it happened?

That’s the power of intention.
That’s the power of possibility.
That’s the power of getting clear on and OWNING what you want.

Years before I built a network of amazing connections around the world and years before I became a temporary resident of Mexico, I declared in my journal and on my vision board that I would LIVE A GLOBAL LIFE.

At this point, I’ve come to trust that anything I write down or look at every day ends up coming true.

Magic IS real.
And we are the ones who make it.

Have a vision.
Hold your vision.
Act in alignment with your vision.

Because as much as you’re calling in it, it’s calling you in, too.

With love & possibility,

If you find yourself without a vision, with one that’s hazy, or one that’s in need of an upgrade to match your current goals and aspirations, let’s chat about working together 💫

P.S. This is the door from my vision board, along with the door in real life ⬇️ How mind-blowing is this?!

vision board; petite hotel hafa
2014 Vision Board
sayulita; petite hotel hafa; Kayla MacArthur
Sayulita, May 2021


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