In life, there will always be curveballs.
There will always be obstacles.
There will always be people who doubt you and try to tear you down.
The tricky part of living your truth and pursuing your purpose is that there will always be tests along the way. If the path were easy, everyone would be doing it.
If there will always be tests, it’s not so much the tests you need to focus on, but rather, how you cope with them. So how do you cope with them?
You need to become unfuckwithable.
To be unfuckwithable is to be so rooted in your truth and purpose that nothing anyone says about how you choose to live your life affects you. To be unfuckwithable means no one’s negative opinions can touch you. To be unfuckwithable means no obstacle, challenge, or curveball scares you.
Nothing will sway you from following your path.
Being unfuckwithable takes consistent practice and a commitment to healing. Just like it takes work to strengthen and build a muscle, it takes work to become unfuckwithable.
Here are three steps to become unfuckwithable when a curveball comes your way:
💟 Realize what IS and IS NOT yours.
You are responsible for yourself and your actions. There is no getting around this. When the Universe sends you a test through an unexpected challenge or through another person, you are responsible for the way you react and behave.
Sometimes the way you react or behave to a test is based on old programming that no longer serves you.
More often than not, you picked up this old programming from an earlier time in life. Maybe it served you back then, but it doesn’t serve you now and it needs to be healed if you wish to respond and behave differently.
If this is the case, it might be best to find a therapist, coach, healer, or EFT practitioner to help dissolve old programming and replace it with new, empowering programming. You can also check out my article, How to Stop Sabotaging Success, to learn more about subconscious programming and how to shift it.
If the curveball presents itself through another person—recognize that their old programming may be running the show and therefore, how they’re reacting to you is not personal.
For example, when my partner told members of his family that he was going to quit his job to travel the world for one year, not everyone reacted with support and encouragement. Some of them were downright angry and tried to convince him he was making a mistake. This had nothing to do with my partner, but rather, his family’s behavior stemmed from their own beliefs about the world and what they deem as “right” versus “wrong.”
You can read more about Ryan’s journey in the book we wrote together called GRAVEL ROADS.
💟 Make the CHOICE to transcend and surrender.
Fear, anger, and sadness are emotions you bump up against when confronted with a test. The good news is that because these emotions are created within, you also have the power to shift your emotions into a state of certainty, love, and surrender.
You can transmute heavy emotions by welcoming them, setting a timer to feel them, and then, choosing to transcend them. Once you choose to stop focusing on the test and all of the emotional drama it brings with it, you can let it go, look at it with love instead of fear or anger, and ask your higher self to reorganize the situation for you in a way that promotes your highest good.
Sometimes you might need to make this choice multiple times a time before you’re ready to let go completely, but that’s okay. Feel your emotions and then make the choice to let go every time you notice the situation nipping at your consciousness.
💟 Get on with your mission.
The purpose of a test is to derail you from moving forward with your dreams and purpose, so the best way to remedy the situation is to move forward. Don’t let a curveball slow you down. See it as separate from you. And keep on going.
If you don’t choose to courageously live your truth despite pushback or challenges, you’re at risk of giving your power away to the test. See the test for what it is—a test! Take the lesson [because there’s always a lesson] and move on with your mission. The world needs you. We need your light.
👊🏽 If you’d like support to become unfuckwithable in order to blast off into the next level of your soul-led life and business, let’s chat. Whether you’re feeling unsupported by Universal circumstances or the people in your life, having someone in your corner who will empower you to courageously pursue your soul work, while guiding you to be successful at it, is an unfuckwithable gift ♡
With love & healing,

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