
My Business Fails in 2023 & What I See As Working

Kayla MacArthur

For many business owners, it’s been a tough year. If you’ve been affected by the shifting economy or the changing landscape within your industry, you are not alone. After receiving clear intuitive guidance that it was time to pivot foundations in my business, I created four different paid offers in 2023. Of these four offers, two failed completely. Of the other two, one was a smashing success, resulting in five lives changed, one participant becoming a private client, and me having a blast stepping into the role of teacher. Despite the failed creations, what has kept me grounded and magically attracting opportunities in other ways is my unyielding ability to...

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The Unconventional Truth About Having it All

Explore, Reinvent

What does it mean to “have it all?” In my world, I believe having it all has less to do with accomplishing more and everything to do with how fully we’re showing up as our true selves.  Having it all is not a juggling act. It’s not committing to everything and everyone under the sun and then trying to figure out the most efficient and productive way to balance it all out. {Most of the time, having it all is about taking things OFF your plate}.  In my world, in order to show up as our true selves, we must get crystal clear on what we value and what’s most...

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4 Trauma-Informed Shifts I’m Making to The Way I Coach


As I sit with the accomplishment of receiving my Trauma-Informed Practitioner Certification, I notice tears welling behind my eyes and full-body tingles radiating from my core to my limbs.  I feel proud.  And eager to weave the medicine of somatics and nervous system regulation into my practice. Throughout my three month long training, I realized that a number of the ways I’ve been taught to coach are directly at odds with trauma-informed care.  It was tough to reconcile, but on the other side, I’ve unlearned and let go of so much. The old ways are composting into something new—new ways that will seed growth and transformation with exponentially more love...

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Magic & Mexican Beach Towns: When Vision Board Life Becomes Real Life

Create, Explore

When I first visited Sayulita back in May of 2021, there was a particular doorway I would always pass on my way into town. Aside from it being bright red, there was nothing uniquely noteworthy about it, yet every time I walked by, I had a feeling that I had seen it before; like I had known it from some other part of the world. For weeks, I walked past this door, unable to shake the mysterious familiarity. Then, during the last week of my visit, it finally clicked. Ryan and I were walking back from breakfast when I gasped and came to a dead stop on the sidewalk. I...

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Living Nomadically: Is it For You or Not?


Living a nomadic lifestyle is not a constant state of wonder all the time. You may see the magical moments on social media, and while the highs and happy feelings are VERY real, there’s also the spaces in between where things aren’t as pretty as the pictures. Last week, I went LIVE on Facebook to share some of the low points Ryan and I have experienced while living and working in Mexico. If you’re personally considering a nomadic lifestyle, these are challenges to consider. *Before I share, it’s important for me to acknowledge my privilege. My intention is to share my personal experience, however, in no way can these challenges...

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Going On a Trip? Bring Conscious Relating to Travel with These 7 Questions

Create, Explore

Before embarking on each new adventure, Ryan and I have a conscious conversation designed to deepen our experience of a trip.  It’s something we’ve been practicing since we met.  When we first came together as virtual strangers to live as roommates in Mexico, there were a lot of unknowns. What if our personalities and lifestyles were vastly different? What if our daily routines clashed? What if we got on each other’s nerves and there was conflict?  The typical response for me—and, I would assert for many others—is to brush these questions under the rug, let the trip unfold, and then deal {or not deal} with whatever comes up.  Fear of rocking the...

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Being A Stand For Your Declared Future: A Case Study


When Ryan and I came back to New England, he was craving a purpose.After receiving “no” after “no” from corporate wellness positions due to COVID, he felt stuck. To get the ball rolling, he took a different route—he decided to call around the local area and pretty quickly, landed a full-time job that he was overqualified for. Receiving this easy and effortless YES felt like a sign, so he got to work. Three weeks in, however, he knew it wasn’t where he wanted to be. The job was taking time and energy away from a project he really wanted to be working on—writing his book. He wanted to quit, but...

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Butterflies & Spirit Whispers: How I’m Using Travel & Relationship for Growth

Create, Explore, Reinvent

On Saturday, I was biking to the Chedraui when I saw a giant butterfly trembling in the street. I pulled over to scoop up paper wings in my palms. I knew death was near and I couldn’t bear for this magnificent creature to be torn to shreds by the bustle of life. I carried her to the forest, where I laid her to rest and thanked her for blessing the world with beauty, if only for a little while.  The next morning, I saw the same kind of butterfly, not once, but twice, on my ride to the playa. Giant wings shimmered iridescent blue and brown as they floated, very much...

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The Power of Choosing

Create, Explore

July was a slow month.  Time crawled and blurred together. Day after day looked the same—wake up, work out, work, watch Netflix.  The ruts of routine grew deep and I forgot the feeling of being alive.  When this happens; when I fall into a rabbit hole of living a life less than what my heart deeply desires, my emotions spin out of control.  I become a twister of confusion and exhaustion until I make something different occur.  In a particularly sullen session with my Coach, she pulled this out of me—my own internal alarm system that screams: “WAKE UP! It’s time to course correct!”  …“But Leighann, I can’t do what...

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Create A New Reality With This New Year’s Ritual

Create, Reinvent

So I have this ritual. Every New Year’s Eve and Day, I create an experience that will support me to embody the feelings and energy equivalent to what I want to experience in the year ahead.  It struck me that this year is special. Not only will 2020 bring a new year, but also: A NEW DECADE! Which means, we can harness the power and possibility for the NEW DECADE by creating an equal experience in 2020. This is big, friends! How will I play? Here are some of the ways: I will spend New Year’s Eve on a plane, flying to California. I will spend New Year’s Day at the Rose...

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