What It Means to Love Your Darkness & Why Your Success Depends On It

love your darkness


  1. Reply

    Thank you for sharing this with me Kayla!

    THIS—>The key is in making the decision to change from a place of LOVE versus FEAR or DISLIKE, whether that fear or dislike is coming from you OR from someone else.

    It’s sums up what needs to happen in my life more often. It’s easier said than done and it probably takes a ton of practice. It’s so much easier to focus on changing things we dislike and changing things because they need to be “fixed.” I’m actually positive that’s what I was taught most of my life, if there is something I don’t like about myself get up and do something about it, fix it…. so it’s extremely easy to think you are broken since you need to be fixed.

    Thank you again for sharing <3

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