Business Success

3 Powerful Insights From a Rich Litvin Coaching Intensive

Travel, Business
Rich Litvin Coaching Intensive

Before we left the Rich Litvin Coaching Intensive to go back to our lives, and a world that didn’t expand like we did, Rich encouraged us to sit with our experiences and insights—to keep them to ourselves and let them shift how we show up in the world. He encouraged us to let people feel our expansion, rather than talk about it. While I have every intention of honoring his wisdom, I also know myself well enough to know that my expansion integrates more deeply from turning around and teaching. While I can’t possibly fit the magnitude of what I experienced at the Rich Litvin Coaching Intensive into a single...

Intuition: The Best Tool to Manifest More Success

Manifestation, Business
intuition; Kayla MacArthur; snow; woods; girl in the woods on a snowy path

I was speaking with a client last week about her discomfort with the need to prove herself. For much of her career, she’s felt the drive to continuously learn and gain more knowledge so that she can appear as a true expert. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing—I was curious about the motivation behind her drive to learn. What was it? As we dove deeper into the conversation, she told me a story about a fellow colleague who had avoided a serious and dangerous incident with one of his clients before it went sideways. I asked her how her colleague had caught the incident. Her answer was where the...

Stop Worrying: 4 Signs Success is On the Way in Your Life & Business

signs success is on the way

Are there signs success is on the way in your life and business? Too often, we drive ourselves mad with anxiety, fall into the thick of despair, or decide to quit before the magic happens. When you have a vision and a mission to manifest, and you’re putting in the work to make it happen, it can feel disheartening when the results don’t show up. This is especially true if you’re a high achiever like me. When you’re not making the impact you’re here to make or closing the sales you thought you would, your mind starts spinning—”see, I told you this wouldn’t work. I told you that you weren’t...

4 Subconscious Hacks to Manifest More Success

Manifestation, Business
subconscious hacks; manifest more success; boots; waterfall

Contrary to popular belief, manifesting is not an entirely spiritual process. One of the things that sets my approach to manifesting apart is that I’m both spiritual, as well as practical. Do I believe in the Universe and its energy? Yes.Do I believe that manifestation solely occurs because of the Universe and its energy? No. As a student of Psychology, I’ve always been curious about how the mind works and believe me when I say this, the mind plays a major role in what we manifest. Mike Dooley said it best when he coined “thoughts become things.“ When you have a clear thought about something you want to create in...

How I Manifested My First $5K Month [& It’s Not What the Gurus Are Telling You]

first $5K month

This is a momentous moment. I feel it so deeply. Right down to the marrow in my bones. Celebration, gratitude, awe, happiness, magic—all of it. I almost can’t believe it, but at the same time, I really can. After all, I worked for this. For 20 months before this moment, I worked for this. And I finally did it: I manifested my first $5K month! [$5K cash in the bank, not projected sales]. Wow. The iconic $5,000 month. The money goal that every new or struggling entrepreneur seems to strive for. The kind of money goal that makes financial freedom feel attainable. The kind of money goal that blesses you...

How to Use the Know Like Trust Factor to Succeed in Business

Business, Relationships
the know like trust factor; three crystals; trifecta

If you’re a business owner, I want you to think back to the first sale you ever made. I’m willing to bet that the sale was to a friend or family member, someone you built a solid relationship with, or someone who received a high recommendation for your services or product. What do all of these things have in common? Something called KLT or the Know Like Trust Factor. While I can’t claim this term as my own, I first discovered it when I dove into the world of marketing. It’s also something that comes so naturally to me, that I didn’t even realize how I masterful I was at...

How to Stop Sabotaging Success

Business, Manifestation
stop sabotaging success; feet; moss; fire

Operating in the depths of your subconscious mind is a matrix of programming that rules you. This matrix rules the way you think, the way you feel, and the way you act. While it may seem like you’re in complete control of how you operate, this isn’t always the case. So, how does this matrix form and how do you work with it to stop sabotaging success?  Fundamentally, humans are hardwired for survival. As you grow up and experience the world around you, you learn what thoughts, feelings, and actions WORK—what keeps you alive—and then, with repetition, what works gets programmed into the subconscious mind. Some life experiences foster a...

How to Manifest A Successful Business Easily and Effortlessly

Manifestation, Business, Travel
manifest a successful business; feather; river

There was once a moment in time where I almost gave up on my business. I questioned if I was really meant to be a coach.Every time I was about to get on a call, I felt so much resistance.Everything about coaching felt hard. And not to mention, I didn’t have any paying clients. Every time I launched an offer, I was greeted with the sound no entrepreneur wants to hear: crickets. I needed a miracle if I was going to manifest a successful business. While I waited for my miracle to occur, I turned my attention to writing and creating products. I went to a retreat in Bali to...

3 Tips For Forming Rock-Solid Success Habits

success habits

Success habits. I bet you intellectually know that habits are the key to success, but are your habits set up in a way that will help you create success? If you think about it, any time you’ve created a certain result or transformation within your life or business, you most likely formed a habit to help get you there. When I first sought out to transform my health three years ago, I needed to learn the proper knowledge related to fitness and nutrition, but I also needed to create success habits to implement what I was learning. The results happened not only because I knew how to get where I...

6 Ways to Create Strong Connections

Business, Manifestation, Travel
create strong connections; group of women in Bali

If you’re ready to leap into the next level of your soul-led life and business, you need to take stock of what and who you’re surrounding yourself with. Is your environment conducive to the direction you want to go?Are your relationships supportive?Do you have access to people who are where you want to be? If you want to rise, you have to surround yourself with people who also want to rise, or have already risen. You need to create strong connections. Why? “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”– Jim Rohn Like Jim Rohn suggests, you become more like the people you associate...