Do You Have a Marketing Problem or an Avoidance Problem?


If you’re a brand new or new-ish service-based business owner and you think you have a marketing problem, you most likely have an avoidance problem. Here’s why…

For you, mastering marketing is alluring.

The world of marketing makes you believe that if your marketing was on point, THEN you would have the epic, thriving business you dream of. You know—the one you imagined when you first signed up for entrepreneurship.

Seriously though:

❌ If only you could pinpoint your ideal client with the right words, in the right way, she will flock to you!
❌ If only you had a solid brand that stands out and shines, she will blow up your inbox!
❌ If only you had an ad campaign and email funnel, she will sign up for your premium offer, no questions asked while you sleep

For new business owners, this kind of marketing makes you think you have a “marketing problem,” when you actually have an avoidance problem. It’s also straight up detrimental [to your confidence and your bank account].

Let me be clear—I’m not knocking the marketing industry.

Marketing is important.

And, it has levels depending on where you’re at in your business.

As a new service-based business owner, the level of marketing required to create clients is much more simple than you think [and way more cost effective].

Here’s what’s really happening when you’re focused on trying to solve your “marketing problem:”

➡️ You’re bought into the illusion that you’re actually building your business. Honey, I spent another day getting to the bottom of my ideal client’s favorite color and which toiletries she buys at CVS [but not Target, because she makes $98,909 a year, so she doesn’t care about low prices]!

➡️ You’re feeding your lack of confidence by compensating for a lack of confidence. If I have a fancy website and marketing strategy, I’ll look like I know what I’m doing and potential clients will believe I really know what I’m doing… right?

➡️ You give yourself permission to avoid the scary work. How can I sign a client without actually having to invite her to work with me? Let me keep creating free educational content until I’m blue in the face and someone decides to send $2500 to my PayPal account!” 

➡️ You become the very thing you’re frightened of being—ANNOYING and SALESY. God, I shudder to think of the early messages I sent to people in an attempt to rally support and clients for my health and wellness business. 

Here’s the TRUTH:

Your clients aren’t paying for pretty, polished, and perfect—your clients are paying for your genius, your skill, and your ability to help them solve a problem and get what they want. 

When they commit to working with you, they’re not committing to your client avatar, a sparkly brand, or whether or not you have a Facebook Ad that converts—they’re committing to the end result and the journey you are about to walk together. 

✅ If you want to build your business, get out there and CONNECT
✅ If you want to build your business, get out there and SERVE.
✅ If you want to build your business, get out there and BE BOLD.

If you want to feel more confident, stop compensating for a lack of confidence with a beautiful OUTSIDE and get support to create confidence on the INSIDE. 

Confidence is a by-product of doing the scary work…
that you’re avoiding…
when you’re too busy trying to solve your “marketing problem.”

Put your time, energy, and money into working with a coach who will call you out when you’re avoiding the scary work [and help you distinguish WHAT the scary work actually is].

Put your time, energy, and money into being the BEST service provider you can be so your insight, wisdom, and skill speak louder than the copy on your website. 

A master does not become a master by preparing to do the work. 
A master becomes a master by doing the work. 

So here’s your loving reminder: DO THE WORK ☺️

With love & service,

P.S. If you’re ready to solve your “marketing problem” that’s really an avoidance problem, let’s chat. I currently have space in my LIFE BY DESIGN coaching program to help service-based business owners create soul-led, sustainable success doing the work they love.

marketing problem; girl hiking; Mountain View


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