The Best Two Investments to Fill Your Coaching Practice


Last month, I accomplished something BIG.

And I didn’t share it.

I intended to. Especially when it happened; when I was bursting at the seams with excitement. But then, like it tends to, the thrill of accomplishment faded and I had nothing left to fuel my words.

I was also scared to share a win that might make you feel uncomfortable.

But now, I want to share it {PROUDLY} because if I can do it, so can you.

Last month, I officially filled my coaching practice!

I booked an additional $22K in services in three weeks {a record for me} and I’ve had to start a waiting list!

I’ve been wanting this for a long time.
I’ve been diligently working towards it all year.

In what felt like one of those magical-overnight-success-that-actually-takes-20-years moments, I f*ing did it.

And in the days that followed, I felt a strong call to help other Coaches do the same.

There are two things that I attribute my accomplishment to and so, if you’re a struggling new/new-ish Coach, I want you to pay close attention:

1.) I’ve been working with my own Coach.

Working with a Coach as a Coach has an added benefit. Not only will your Coach help you transform your inner game, s/he can mentor you too. Working with a seasoned Coach {someone who is where you want to go} cuts through the struggle, so that you can create a thriving practice in half the time.

2.) I’ve invested in programs and intensives to receive education and feedback on my coaching.

Since the bar of entry to be a Coach is extremely low, you must set yourself apart. And not in your marketing—in your skill. There is nothing like being served by a Master Coach. When potential Clients experience the power in your presence and skill, they will feel compelled to work with you. In a world where there’s a new Coach on every corner, you can not afford to be okay or good. You must be GREAT.

If you’re a struggling Coach and you are not working with your own Coach, it’s time to invest in the way you ask your Clients to.

If you’re a struggling Coach and you are not invested in continuing education, it’s time to invest in sharpening and honing your craft.

Forget the fancy website.
Forget the expensive marketing programs, the FB Ads, the funnels.
Forget the things that make you LOOK shiny and confident and perfect.

You actually need none of that to fill your practice.

Not when you’re starting out.

I can say this with confidence because I fell into this trap in the beginning and it SET ME BACK versus moved me forward.

It’s for THIS reason why I’m feeling so called to create an offer unlike any other.

An offer that is designed to help you build your business {without all the hype of bells and whistles} while becoming the BEST Coach you can possibly be.

Before I go into more detail, I want to give back first.

If you’re a new/new-ish/soon-to-be-new Coach, I want to serve you deeper than anyone has served you before.

I want to gift you a 75-minute Create The Impossible Session where I will coach you on creating the life and business you want and afterwards, we’ll break down the parts of the session that were most significant for you so you can bring new skill and insight to your own sessions.

If you’d like to claim one, email me at I have five to give away.

If, after your session, you’d like to hear more about the offer I’m creating, I’d be happy to share it with you. If not, that’s okay too.

To your success,

Words & Wisdom

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