How to Become More Successful With This One Radical Truth


If I asked you, “do you feel successful?” What would you say?

The answers I’ve heard most often are:
“Yes, but…”
“I’ll get there someday.”
“Nope, not at all.”

These answers break my heart because it doesn’t have to be this way, but I also totally get why it is this way. I would have said the same things a few months ago.

Ever since I can remember, I’ve held the bar extremely high for myself. When I’ve been successful in others’ eyes, I’ve felt lacking in my own.

In fact, when it came time to reflect on my first year in business, I felt that familiar feeling of disappointment; of failure.

I spent way more than I made. I didn’t help as many women as I wanted to. I still had part-time jobs. I was still living at home with student loans to pay off.

The brilliant, bright vision I had for myself had not come to fruition, nor did it feel anywhere in sight.
Did that mean I wasn’t successful though? I began to recount everything that I had accomplished. I had worked 1:1 with four amazing women and touched the lives of hundreds more. I had created and run two very successful fitness challenges that got participants REAL results in as little as 5-7 days. I had spoke in public twice. I had grown my email list from 0 to 625 in 6 months. I had held my first major online event. Oh wait, and I had started my own freaking business. That alone was a huge accomplishment.

So was I successful? Most people would say HELL YES. But why didn’t I feel it?

I’ll tell you why—because of my own self-imposed perception. In a society that’s driven by instantaneous results, I had come to expect overnight success. I had placed less emphasis on the journey and more on the end result, in turn making me feel less than, making me feel not good enough, making me feel disappointed & UNHAPPY.

So I decided to do something radical and I went ahead and changed my definition of success. It was as simple as re-writing my programming to believe in something different.

Now, success means not giving up.
Success means reaching, inspiring, or helping at least one person.
Success means following my intuitive knowing when it comes to creating & making decisions.
Success means following my heart.

With this definition of success, I’m pretty freaking successful. I’m able to give myself permission to go at my own pace, to let everything unfold in its own timing, and to fall in love with the journey JUST as much as the end result. This feels good to me and ironically, the success I’ve been experiencing ever since has only MULTIPLIED in number & magnitude.

So what is the one radical truth that will help you become more successful?


You’re here, aren’t you?
You’re trying, aren’t you?
You are SO successful, but you aren’t allowing yourself to be because of your own self-imposed perception that has been tainted by a society obsessed with instant gratification & forever fixated on more-more-more.

My dear, you ARE successful and you ARE enough.
Just the way you are.
I want you to know that.
I want you to feel that.
I want you to give yourself permission to see things a little differently
and to step into the light that you already are <3

With so much love,

Comment below and let me know how you’re going to change YOUR definition of success.

Want to read more? Check out The One Thing You Need to Do to Create Massive Change in Your Life.

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