How to Get the Best Client Testimonials


How many times have you asked for client testimonials, to which they excitedly replied—“of course!”—only for weeks to go by without a testimonial appearing in your inbox?

This scenario has occurred for me more times than I can count, whether I’m asking for a client testimonial or I’ve been asked to write one for someone else. 

It’s not that our clients don’t want to share the magic of our work with the world, nor are they unappreciative of our product or service.

It’s quite the opposite. 

Our product or service has had such an impact on their lives, that to capture the breadth and depth of that experience requires a bit of thinking and a chunk of time on their part. Not to mention, if they aren’t naturally gifted with writing or comfortable being on camera, testimonials can be a daunting task that is much more easily set to the side.

However, as an entrepreneur, client testimonials are the life-blood of your business, especially when you’re in the business of transformation.

Social proof validates what you have to offer and compels new potential clients to see and feel the possibility your service or product could create for them, too. 

Therefore, we need a better system when it comes to collecting these precious bits of information.

Lucky for you, I’ve cracked the code on how to get the best client testimonials and I’m sharing the process with you below.

🪄 First, when is the best time to ask for client testimonials?

It’s crucial to capture client testimonials from different points along the journey.

Typically, I ask clients for a testimonial as soon as they experience their first big win or breakthrough while working with me. I may also ask clients for a second testimonial at the end of our journey and further still, a third, months after our work completes so as to capture the impact that continues to ripple through their lives. 

If you have a product, like a course, an ebook, or even a beauty solution, the same timeline applies. Capture initial engagement with the product, the experience immediately after using the product, and the impact the product has months later after consistent use.

🪄 Next, what are the best questions to ask when getting client testimonials?

The best client testimonials capture a handful of these elements: 

👣 Circumstances before using your product or service. 
👣 The experience of using your product or service.
👣 What was generated as a result of your product or service.
👣 The experience of working with you and/or your brand. 
👣 Why your offer was chosen over others. 

Here are some examples of the questions I ask when collecting my own testimonials:

👣 What were life and business like before we started our work together? 
👣 Why did you want to work with a coach and why did you choose me?
👣 What’s been your favorite part of working together?
👣 How would you describe my coaching?

To go deeper, craft questions that align with your brand and the results your clients typically generate when working with you or using your product.

For example, my brand is deeply rooted in self-discovery, transformation, and achieving dreams. The overarching result my clients often experience is a greater sense of freedom. Therefore, I also include questions like: 

👣 What is the most significant piece of awareness you have discovered about yourself through our work together? 
👣 In what ways have you transformed?
👣 How have you created more freedom in your life or biz? 
👣 What else have you created during our work together?

🪄 Lastly, what is the best method for collecting client testimonials?

Rather than putting the bulk of the work in your client’s court, make the process as easy for them as possible. With a little bit of foresight, you can eliminate most of their barriers. 

The first step is to ask your clients if they’d be willing to give you a testimonial. If they are a resounding YES, invite them to a short interview, conducted over Zoom Video Conferencing. 

Record the interview and ask your predetermined questions. 

Once the interview is complete, transcribe your client’s answers and formulate the data into a testimonial as if written by the client from his or her point of view. There may be pieces you choose to omit, while other pieces you choose to highlight.

Once the draft is complete, send it to your client for approval. Invite your clients to change, add, or delete anything that they see fit. When they give you the final OKAY, you now have a brilliant client testimonial to add to your website and share widely with the world ✨

Here are some additional tips for getting the best client testimonials:

🪄 You may choose to send your clients the questions beforehand, so they have time to simmer on their answers. 

🪄 While interviewing your clients, if you notice that they left out a significant piece of their experience, ask them if they would be willing to share about it.

🪄 If you prefer video client testimonials, ask your clients if they would be open to having the interview published as a video. 

🪄 If it’s fitting for your product or service, add before and after pictures to show the transformation that occurred from start to finish. 

So, what will you take on from this article to make your testimonial process easier and more effective? Share your action steps in the comments ⬇️

With love & efficiency,

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