When You’re Not Creating What You Want…


I thought relocating to Tulum would create exponential growth in my business.

Turns out, I was wrong.
The truth is: I’ve received “no” after “no” since being here, and it’s been disheartening to say the least.

Last Thursday, when I had the chance to be coached by one of my mentors, this is what I brought to her.

And what I discovered was quite intriguing…

When we took a look at what has been behind the “no’s,” I realized that many of the people I’ve been in conversation with have not been crystal clear on the vision of what they want to create in their lives.

Therefore, why invest a significant amount of time and money into transformation when they don’t know what they’re playing for?

It’s intriguing too, because I often tell myself I’m crystal clear on what I want.

I know where I want to go.
I know what I want to create.
I’ve been playing for the same vision for YEARS.

It’s always been:

Create a full-time coaching practice.
Pay off my CC debt.
Travel for 1-2 years before choosing a place to live.
Create a conscious partnership with the man of my dreams.

Until my mentor pointed to it, I didn’t see that I no longer have a vision. I’ve created everything I’ve been dreaming about for the past five years in the past year alone!

As of this moment:

I’m full-time in my coaching practice.
I’ve paid off ALL of my CC debt, totaling over $20K.
I’ve traveled to Bali for five weeks and now, I’ve been in Tulum for three months.
And while here, I created a conscious partnership in the EXACT way I envisioned, with a man who far exceeds my dreams.

It’s pretty surreal to acknowledge this—to stand back and realize that what I used to deem impossible has become my life.

And while I’ve been celebrating every moment of it,
I’m also not practicing what I preach—the “no’s” of which, have been reflecting it.

As a Coach, I am a stand for not only celebrating and enjoying where you are, but also having a crystal clear vision on where it is you want to go.

In the words of Mary Oliver: “What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

Up until now, I’ve had a vision to guide me.
But now? I have no idea what’s next.

I’ve never gotten this far because for so long, it was hard to believe I’d actually get this far.

So, this weekend, I’m taking myself {and Ryan too—because it’s not just my life anymore} through the exact conversation I take my Clients through before we decide to work together.

I’m going to take a look at what’s next.
I’m going to draw a line in the sand and choose.
I’m going to make a plan and commit.

If I’m not clear on what I want, how will I call in Clients who are?
And for those who aren’t, how can I best support them, if I have yet to support myself?

Our world is constantly mirroring us.
It’s time to do the work.

With love & real-time practice,

P.S. If you’re on the brink of this same question—what’s next?—grab some complimentary time on my calendar if you’d like support in answering it.

Discover Your Inner Creatress


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