The Unconventional Truth About Having it All

Explore, Reinvent

What does it mean to “have it all?”

In my world, I believe having it all has less to do with accomplishing more and everything to do with how fully we’re showing up as our true selves. 

Having it all is not a juggling act.

It’s not committing to everything and everyone under the sun and then trying to figure out the most efficient and productive way to balance it all out.

{Most of the time, having it all is about taking things OFF your plate}. 

In my world, in order to show up as our true selves, we must get crystal clear on what we value and what’s most important to us.

This is going to look different for everyone.

And I’m going to assert that for you, it’s going to look very different from the shoulds you’ve been fed by your family, society, and the systems you grew up in.

I assert this because in some way, the rebel in you relates to the rebel in me.

From the conventional perspective, my version of having it all looks wildly different:

➵ Instead of working for a boss, I choose to be my own. 
➵ Instead of hustling hard or overextending my energy, I choose to honor my inner seasons, create cyclically, and practice slow living.
➵ Instead of retiring and then traveling, I choose to live abroad and experience different cultures.
➵ Instead of getting married and having kids, I choose to cultivate conscious partnership with my man, birth book babies together, and build a circle of friends who feel like family. 

I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with wanting conventional {I also want to acknowledge the immense privilege I have that allows me to choose outside of it}, I’m simply pointing to the expectations I was conditioned to have and where my values differ.

Too often we accept who we’ve been taught to be and what we’ve been taught to want. 

Then, we succeed at what we thought we wanted and wonder what’s missing.

Instead of feeling deeply nourished, we feel lacking. Maybe even lost or ungrounded. And at an extreme, like we’re having a full blown identity crisis. We thought we knew who we were, but now, we’re not so sure.

These are all signals that we’re not living in alignment with our TRUTH.

And the real kicker is, if you keep speeding through life at a gazillion miles an hour, never pressing pause or making space to listen, you won’t discover what that truth is.

There’s no room to explore who you really are and what you really want.

This so happens to be my zone of genius and the genius behind my signature coaching experience, AUTHENTICALLY YOU.

If you’re tired of chasing empty accomplishments, stressing and striving for more without relaxing or enjoying it, or feeling like life is passing you by without your full participation in it, let’s talk.

I currently have {2} spots available for 1:1 clients.

If you’re not ready to work with me yet, here are some inquiries to help you identify your values and what’s most important:

1.) If time was abundant and money was taken care of, how would you choose to spend your time?
2.) What’s a secret dream you’ve had since childhood?
3.) If you weren’t afraid of what other people might think, who would you be and what would you do differently?
4.) When you look at how other people live, what are you jealous of?

Remember: You deserve to live and work in a way that deeply nourishes you as the unique human you are. You are not a machine and you are certainly not meant to fit in anyone else’s box.

With love & deconditioning,

P.S. I am currently working on an exciting new project that I can’t wait to launch. Hint: It has everything to do with living a deconditioned life 😉 Keep an eye out for it!


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