What If Your Short-Comings Were a Gift?


How often have you beaten yourself up for your perceived short-comings?

Short-comings meaning: Things about you that do not fit with the image of who you should be or who you think you need to be in order to succeed.

Think about your short-comings right now.
And ask yourself: What do these things tell me about myself + what I’m really gifted at?

On the other side of a perceived short-coming, there’s always a parallel and equal strength.
But only if you choose to see it.

Sometimes out of curiosity, I’ll open a LinkedIn email that lists job openings suited to my skills. I’ll peruse what the companies want in a top candidate and I’ll notice that more often than not, they’re asking for a perfectly packaged super human rather than a human. They want a robot rather than a person.

And it really pisses me off.

Because even our short-comings hold value. And true leadership recognizes, honors, and advocates for that.

You do not need to be good at everything.

Instead of beating yourself up for your short-comings, what would happen if you embraced them? And advocated for the gifts on the other side of them?

If you struggle to multi-task, you sure as hell can focus.
If you struggle to be on time, you will give your ALL to something that absolutely lights you up.
If you struggle to follow the rules, you know how to innovate.

To be clear, I’m not advocating for stagnation or a lack of personal growth. If a short-coming is truly causing you stress or limiting what you want to create in a big way, do the work and transform it.

Rather, I’m pointing to the unique value that your short-comings allow you to bring to the world. I want to give you permission to be your imperfect self, regardless of who you think you should be or need to be.

You are whole.
You are valuable.
And the gifts you need to succeed already exist within you, just as you are <3

With light, love, & admiration,

Words & Wisdom

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