Are You SET UP to Manifest More Success? Three Tips for Forming Rock-Solid Habits



I bet you intellectually know that habits are KEY to success, but do you have them set up in a way that will actually help you reel in success?

If you think about it, any time you’ve created an amazing, sustainable result for yourself in your life or business, you most likely created a habit to help you get there.

When I first sought out to create a fit & healthy body three years ago, I needed to obtain the knowledge of appropriate fitness and nutrition, but I also needed to create new HABITS to implement what I was learning. The results happened not only because I knew how to get there, but because I created a HABIT of going to the gym, meal planning each week, and making healthy choices.

Knowing something doesn’t necessarily get you where you want to go, but HABITS do.

The best part is, is that once you have a habit down, you maintain the awesome results you created with ease. I’m still fit & healthy because going to the gym has become a non-negotiable part of my routine and I plan around it, versus planning for it.

So if there’s something that you really want to create in your life or business right now, what habits do you need to implement to manifest it? I’m willing to bet that you KNOW HOW to get to where you want to go, but you’re stuck and overwhelmed because you haven’t formed the habits that will get you there.

Here are my best tips for forming rock-solid success habits:

1.) Focus on creating ONE new habit at a time.

Break down the result you wish to achieve and figure out what you need to do on a consistent basis in order to get there in the fastest way possible. Do that and only that. Too often, we try to implement five different habits at once and it can be so overwhelming that we give up! Start with the most necessary habit and work your way up to more.

2.) Create a habit tracker & track your progress {or hire a coach for accountability}.

Seriously, having a tracker chart WORKS, especially if you are a visual person. This is a technique that I used in my previous career as a Mental Health Counselor. My client and I would create a chart of behaviors that needed to be completed on a daily and weekly basis in order to catapult him or her towards change.

Every day or week you complete your new habit, put a check mark under the appropriate day or week. You can even include habits on your tracker that you’ve already formed. Watching the check marks add up boosts your confidence & morale to keep going! 

3.) Reward yourself for each new habit you form & repeat the process.

When your hitting your quota of check marks day after day and week after week, reward yourself in a way that feels good to you. Celebrating your accomplishment crystallizes the new habit and empowers you to know that you are capable of manifesting the success that you really want to see, one habit at a time! 🙂

So now I’m curious: What habit do you need to form in order to catalyze your success? Comment below and let me know!

With light, love, & forward momentum,

P.S. One of THE BEST habits I’ve created over the past year that has been my DAILY MINDSET PRACTICE.

Do you have one? I swear by it being one of the FASTEST WAYS to manifest more success in your life or biz. If you’d like to how it can help you and how to form one, grab my ebook, The Manifesting Mindset: Daily Practices to Raise Your Vibe.