The Power in Declaring it Quits


Not long ago, you were on top of the world when you declared: THIS! This is it! This is what I want to create next!

With excitement fizzing through your veins, you generated a plan.
You set goals and deadlines.
You determined the actions you needed to take.

You even took on some of those actions, riding the high that flows with forward momentum.

And then—not ill-meaning on your part—you put the project down because other things required your attention too.

And as you focused on those other things {rightfully so}, this beautiful, thrilling idea began to collect dust in the dark corner of your to-do list. The space between you and it grew. And it continued to grow. And while it still crossed your mind every once in a while—just as quickly as it found the surface, you would push it back down again.

What was once a delight now feels heavy and dreadful.

“Is this fear?” You ask. “Am I afraid? Is this self-sabotage?”

But you know in your heart that this time it’s different. This time, there’s no pulse left. There’s no air to fill its lungs. What once lit you up has gone dark and it’s time to declare it quits.

While declaring it quits can feel like defeat, I assure you it’s not. Sometimes, declaring it quits is the greatest gift you can give yourself.

When you hang onto something that feels heavy and dreadful, what kind of impact is that having on your energy? When you hang onto something that’s never fully coming back, how does that affect everything else you could be creating?

There’s possibility in picking through the bones of a dead project—holding each one up to the light, you ask: Does this still excite me? And as the pieces piles up, maybe not all is lost.

Or if it is, I grant you permission to overhaul/bulldoze/set aflame to what once was—because out of the ashes, something new and different can rise.

There’s power in declaring it quits.
There’s freedom in letting go.
There’s magic in the pivot.

Trust it.

With light, love, & making room,

Words & Wisdom

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