The Gift of Possibility


When was the last time you allowed yourself to dream?

Like, really dream—not, this-is-what-I-can-see-as-happening dreaming.

I’m talking about the kind of dreaming that’s free from any form of resistance. The kind of dreaming that goes beyond what the mind can predict. The kind of dreaming that brings you face to face with a vision you didn’t know existed.

When was the last time you played a game with possibility?

A game where you call out your deepest desires; where the only rules are: What would you create with your life if you knew you could not fail and you had no fear?

When I play this game with my people {and myself}, I notice that we don’t really play at all. I notice that we struggle to admit what we want underneath what we think we want {what we think we want is usually a watered down version of what we really want}.

It’s almost like the act of speaking our deepest desires into the world means that we’re now bound to them—that we must make them happen. And to commit that deeply to what feels impossible/unreachable/how-on-earth-do-I-make-this-happen? It’s energetic suicide. It’s a heartache waiting to happen.

We’d rather stay in the dark, with our watered down version of a life well-lived, than risk our time/money/energy/love/devotion on a vision we can’t clearly see a path to. We’d rather wait and see how the journey unfolds, rather than pick a destination and steadily move towards it.

This is an epidemic of massive proportions.
This is where predictability reigns and possibility goes to die.

What if it didn’t have to be like this?
What if the act of getting in touch with what’s possible, free from your own kickback, was the very magic that begins to move the mountain?
What if you don’t need to know “how” in order to begin?

Continuing to dream and set goals from a place of what’s predictable {based on what you’ve been able to create in the past/what you can accurately measure to happen in the future} will create more of what’s predictable.

And deep down, you know you’re meant for a life beyond predictable. You feel it in your bones, even if it scares you. You’re present to the hunger, even though you convince yourself you’re full.

With 2019 around the corner, I thought I’d offer something fun and impactful to help you play in the realm of what’s POSSIBLE.

For six lucky individuals, I am offering a complimentary Create The Impossible in 2019 Visioning Session.

During this session, we’ll dive deep into what you REALLY want {vs. what you think you want} to create and experience in 2019. Next, we’ll take a look at how you’re most reliable to hold yourself back from bringing your vision to life. And third, I’ll powerfully coach you to move beyond whatever that may be.

At the end of the session, I will offer resources that I see as beneficial to you moving forward.

Want one or know someone who would? Email me at and we’ll schedule a time or forward this blog to a friend 🙂 

With love & possibility,

Words & Wisdom

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