
Whispers on the Wind


As I usher in my 33rd year of life, I am facing a new set of blank pages. Ryan’s manuscript is complete.  We sent it off in the middle of the night, with tiredness clinging to our eyelids and exhaustion blurring the pages. We let it go to the darkness; to the ethers of the internet. Its fate now rests with our editor, and the same faith that trusts springtime buds will bloom and snow will blanket the earth in winter.  I feel like a weight has been lifted, but I also feel an emptiness.  This project has colored my time for the better part of a year. It has...

Being A Stand For Your Declared Future: A Case Study


When Ryan and I came back to New England, he was craving a purpose.After receiving “no” after “no” from corporate wellness positions due to COVID, he felt stuck. To get the ball rolling, he took a different route—he decided to call around the local area and pretty quickly, landed a full-time job that he was overqualified for. Receiving this easy and effortless YES felt like a sign, so he got to work. Three weeks in, however, he knew it wasn’t where he wanted to be. The job was taking time and energy away from a project he really wanted to be working on—writing his book. He wanted to quit, but...

When You’re Not Creating What You Want…


I thought relocating to Tulum would create exponential growth in my business. Turns out, I was wrong.The truth is: I’ve received “no” after “no” since being here, and it’s been disheartening to say the least. Last Thursday, when I had the chance to be coached by one of my mentors, this is what I brought to her. And what I discovered was quite intriguing… When we took a look at what has been behind the “no’s,” I realized that many of the people I’ve been in conversation with have not been crystal clear on the vision of what they want to create in their lives. Therefore, why invest a significant...

The Secret to Profound Transformation


How do I stop myself from experiencing what I want most {love & freedom}?   1.) Obsession.   Whether it’s love addiction, heartbreak, or a thrilling new project, I let obsession hijack my focus and drain my well-being. As a result, I tend to experience love OR freedom, but not both.   2.) Projecting fear {based on the past} into the future.   I then proceed to live from THERE instead of from HERE, in an ever-expanding partnership with what’s possible. I shrink my world as opposed to open it up. Fear, uncertainty, and what’s predictable are the crayons I color with.  3.) Getting too attached to a specific RESULT and too rigid with...

Do This One Thing And Your Life WILL Change


When I was in fifth grade, I decided to play the flute. The first “composures” I learned were not composures at all. Rather, they were half notes and whole notes, sometimes strung together to form a tune.  Next, it was the scales. Oh god—the scales.  As I grew into middle school and private lessons, it was all about the scales. Up and down, my fingers flew. Memorizing this one and that one and this one again.  In sixth grade, I advanced to second chair and soon after that, I passed an audition to play in the Worcester Youth Orchestra, practicing Tchaikovsky and Bach for the stage at Christmas.  In seventh...

What Are You Committed To?

Kayla MacArthur

Here’s what I’m committed to right now: Waking up by 7:30am.Meditating.Journaling on possibility. Starting work by 9:30am.Writing.Sharing my writing.Inviting all kinds of people to connect.Inviting people who inspire me into coaching conversations.Inviting people I vibe with to work with me.Astonishing my Clients. Doing my own inner work. Going to the gym. Tracking money.Paying for things in cash. Reading.Going to bed by 11pm. Notice: Everything on this list—it’s inside of my control. Too often, we attach our sense of accomplishment to results we have no control over. Then, when the results do not occur, we feel we failed and hopelessness replaces happiness, worthlessness shatters confidence, and fun fades to frustration. We...

The Best Two Investments to Fill Your Coaching Practice


Last month, I accomplished something BIG. And I didn’t share it. I intended to. Especially when it happened; when I was bursting at the seams with excitement. But then, like it tends to, the thrill of accomplishment faded and I had nothing left to fuel my words. I was also scared to share a win that might make you feel uncomfortable. But now, I want to share it {PROUDLY} because if I can do it, so can you. Last month, I officially filled my coaching practice! I booked an additional $22K in services in three weeks {a record for me} and I’ve had to start a waiting list! I’ve been...

What If You Made a Mess?


It’s been 40 minutes since our call started.And I still don’t see an opening to support you. I know what you want to create.You’re clear on that. You know how to get there.You’re confident in the path. Most Coaches would leave it here and declare you complete.Most Coaches would say, “Great! You know what you want, you know how to get there, now go off and get it done!” I’m not like most Coaches. Instead, I reflect what’s going on within me: “It sounds like you’ve got this. We’ve been talking for 40 minutes and I still don’t see how I can support you. I’m wondering why you raised your...

The Mirror You Want {But Don’t Want} To Look In


We sit across from each other. You speak and I listen. I listen deeply—for what is said beneath your words. First, you tell me about your business. You tell me how frustrated you are. How people hardly ever buy from you. How no one can afford your fees. You tell me about your Clients. How they’re driving you MAD because they’re not committed to change. They say they want this thing that you can help them get, but they’re unwilling to put in the work to get it. Next, you tell me about your dreams. You paint a beautiful picture of possibility. It’s vivid and BIG. It’s all you want…...

Do You Experience Energetic Highs & Lows?


Do you give something your ALL, only to burn out? Feast or famine is typically something you think of when you think of money. It’s not so much something you think of when you think of energy.However, when feast or famine is the place you’re coming from, you tend to find it everywhere. It’s a cycle of extremes, where each extreme drives the other. It’s a cycle that can stretch over days, weeks, years—it doesn’t know time, it only knows high from low, up from down, everything from nothing and nothing in-between. It’s a cycle you can live in for life. And while you can create phenomenal things within its...