Do You Experience Energetic Highs & Lows?


Do you give something your ALL, only to burn out?

Feast or famine is typically something you think of when you think of money. It’s not so much something you think of when you think of energy.

However, when feast or famine is the place you’re coming from, you tend to find it everywhere.

It’s a cycle of extremes, where each extreme drives the other.

It’s a cycle that can stretch over days, weeks, years—it doesn’t know time, it only knows high from low, up from down, everything from nothing and nothing in-between.

It’s a cycle you can live in for life.

And while you can create phenomenal things within its bounds, it can also leave you with an experience that feels chaotic, depleting, disempowering, and daunting.

I know because this is my cycle.
And it’s a cycle my people suffer from too.

The problem with feast or famine is that the cycle is outside of you.

When your energy is there, YAY!
When it’s not, fuck…

Rather than CHOOSE how you want to show up, rather than SOURCE how you show up, rather than DESIGN how you show up, you’re at the mercy of each extreme.

What is this costing you?

For me, it costs MONEY.
For me, it costs IMPACT.
For me, it costs PEACE.

When you’re at the effect of your energetic highs and lows, your life and business unfold around them, your creativity unfolds around them, opportunities unfold around them.

Aren’t you tired of experiencing ALL THE THINGS when your energy is there and experiencing a lack of ALL THE THINGS when it isn’t?

YOU have the power to source your energy and one way you can do this is through managing your time.

What would it look like to put boundaries around your time?
What would it look like to create a daily/weekly/monthly structure on CRUISE CONTROL?

Here are some of mine:
– No more than three meetings per day.
– Exercise at least three times per week.
– No more than three social outings per week.
– Writing three times per week.

Get clear on what’s important.
Say “no” to what isn’t.
Do the thing even when you don’t feel like doing the thing.
Keep a steady flow.

And if you want more support with this; if you want to go deeper with this, I’m here to help.

I currently have ONE spot open for private coaching AND I’d like to gift six complimentary Create The Impossible Sessions to individuals who may be interested.

If you’re creating something BIG in your life or business and you can’t seem to get out of your own way to create it, I’m your girl.

These conversations are life-changing.
And they will go fast.

If one of them is yours, email me at and we’ll schedule a time.

With love & flow,

Words & Wisdom

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