What If You Made a Mess?


It’s been 40 minutes since our call started.
And I still don’t see an opening to support you.

I know what you want to create.
You’re clear on that.

You know how to get there.
You’re confident in the path.

Most Coaches would leave it here and declare you complete.
Most Coaches would say, “Great! You know what you want, you know how to get there, now go off and get it done!”

I’m not like most Coaches.

Instead, I reflect what’s going on within me:

“It sounds like you’ve got this. We’ve been talking for 40 minutes and I still don’t see how I can support you. I’m wondering why you raised your hand to ask for support?”

This question catches you off guard.
It’s the first time you don’t have an answer.

After a heavy pause, you say, “I think I want you to tell me this will work.”

I see now.

More than anything, you don’t want to fail.
More than anything, you don’t want to risk making a mess.

So rather than trust the call in your heart, you seek ways to make it safe first.

A vision that’s big, but not too big. Check.
A plan that’s predictable. Check.
Seeking feedback that you won’t fall flat on your face. Check.

The way you’ve been showing up in our conversation
is the very way you’re showing up to what you want to create:

But this—
this reflection is the first crack in your armor.
This is the first time we both don’t know where the conversation is going.

I wonder, with awe and excitement, where you will choose to go next…
{in our conversation}
{in your life}
{with your dreams}.

With love & risk,

P.S. Are you a new Coach {or soon-to-be-new Coach} who’s eager to master your craft and WOW your Clients with an unforgettable experience of your coaching?

One of the BEST ways to deepen your coaching skills is to be coached by a seasoned Coach. For this reason, I’ve decided to gift six 90-minute complimentary Create The Impossible Sessions to NEW COACHES who are committed to mastering their craft and booking up their own practice. After I take you through your session, I will break down what I did and where we went so you can bring new skills to your own sessions. If this is you and you’d like to claim a time, reach out at kaylamacarthurcoaching@gmail.com.

Words & Wisdom

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