The Mirror You Want {But Don’t Want} To Look In


We sit across from each other.

You speak and I listen. I listen deeply—for what is said beneath your words.

First, you tell me about your business.

You tell me how frustrated you are.

How people hardly ever buy from you. How no one can afford your fees.

You tell me about your Clients.

How they’re driving you MAD because they’re not committed to change. They say they want this thing that you can help them get, but they’re unwilling to put in the work to get it.

Next, you tell me about your dreams.

You paint a beautiful picture of possibility. It’s vivid and BIG. It’s all you want…

…if only you had the money.
…if only you had the time.
…if only you could attract more opportunities, Clients who will pay you, and people who will help you.

For the first time, I speak: “You can’t know what you don’t know.

You look at me and your eyebrows knit together. Your mouth, a straight line. I can tell you’re frustrated with my response.

What do you mean?” you ask, a twinge of defensiveness beneath your tone.

It sounds like your Clients are you.

You sit back in your chair.

You utter something so small and faint, I almost don’t catch it—“huh.”

It’s in this moment, I know your perception is being challenged. Your brain is turning inside out. A new insight is coming to life.

Time stands still and silence settles around us.

I sit on my hands and wait for you to speak.

I’m my own worst Client. Wow…
How do we work together?

And so I tell you.
I tell you my fee.

And before the number leaves my lips, you say: “WOW. I can’t afford that.”

Your world and everyone in it is one giant mirror.

The work you’re avoiding is the work your Clients are avoiding, is the work your family is avoiding, is the work your friends are avoiding, is the work your partner is avoiding.

How they show up is how you show up.

And the only reason you can see it is because you KNOW IT.
The only reason it’s so frustrating is because you haven’t OWNED IT.

You can’t know // what you don’t know.

Are you ready to own it?
Are you ready to do your work?

With love & insight,

P.S. I have ONE spot open for private coaching. Are you curious what it would be like/feel like/look like to have me in your corner, supporting you to create the life and business you deeply desire? Email me at and we’ll schedule a complimentary session to see if we’re a good fit.

Words & Wisdom

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