Manifesting More Success: Tap Into Your Magic by Celebrating Every Little Thing

Create, Reinvent

When was the last time you celebrated?
Like, really celebrated?

If you didn’t answer TODAY, then you aren’t taking full advantage of the magic that’s available to you.

Celebrating is KEY when it comes to manifesting more success. Why? Because when you celebrate every little thing, big or small, you build momentum in the RIGHT direction.

If you’re constantly stuck in the energetic pattern of “this isn’t working, nothing good ever happens to me, I suck, I’ll never be successful,” well, guess what you’re going to get more of? Your life or business NOT working.

Like attracts like. Whatever you focus on, you get more of in your life.

So how about you flip your self-defeating thoughts and celebrate what is working? Even if it’s small, even if you aren’t exactly where you want to be—I guarantee you can find something to celebrate.

Like the fact that you’re trying to make your big vision dreams a reality. Like the fact that you have a job {albeit not the one you want} that is depositing money in your bank account.

There are so many things to celebrate. Start focusing on those and forget that you’re not where you want to be—because guess what? You’re on your way!

So, in honor of celebrating, here’s what I’ve been able to manifest this month:
➵ A $1,900 scholarship to an event I’ve been DYING to go to.
➵ A sold out in-person workshop, teaching what absolutely lights my soul on fire.
➵ Filling 4 spots in my in-person group coaching program.
➵ Sales for my ebook without even marketing it.
➵ Being less than $100 away from my best biz income month EVER {referring to money received in hand}.
➵ A free, brand new battery for my car.
➵ A new, high-paying part-time job {even though I’m not taking it}.
➵ A trip to P-town for my birthday from my wonderful guy ♥
➵ Amazing new friendships with driven, passionate, and high-vibe women.
➵ And so much more because the list keeps going!!!

What have you been able to manifest this month?! Share with me & celebrate in the comments!

And if you’re still having trouble identifying things to celebrate because you feel SO stuck in trying to make your life or business work, I want you to know that you can turn it around fast…

You can manifest crazy awesome stuff, too. You can enter a state of flow and be in awe of what you’re creating ALL OF THE TIME, too.

And on Sunday, May 1st from 7pm-9pm EST, Ashley Hogan and I will be teaching you how. We’re taking our Manifesting Miracles Workshop ONLINE via Zoom Video Conferencing, so even if you live far away, you’ll be able to tap into all of the magic that this workshop has to offer.

Want the details? Visit the Facebook event >>here and secure your spot today!
They’re filling up quickly!

With love & light & celebratory claps,

Want to read more? Check out How I Manifested a New Job in 24 Hours & a Free Spot in a $5K Coaching Program