A Reminder For When You’ve Given All You’ve Got


You don’t have to carry the weight of worlds on your back.
You don’t have to be a dumping ground for negativity.
You don’t have to hold space for those who don’t hold it for you too.

It is not your responsibility to provide peace to every person on the planet.
You do not have to take this on when and where and with whom you don’t want to.

Your energy is your gift to the world.
Your presence and the way you share it is a gift.
And without discernment, this beautiful gift can tarnish and turn the most precious thing to rust.

{Advice for you, and mostly me}.

All of my life, I’ve been generous with my energy. I have strength and peace and people can feel it. Sometimes, they end up borrowing it and I let them. Over and over again, until we fall into this weird dynamic that feels lop-sided and worn.

This month, I’m seeing it with fresh eyes. And I’m feeling it in my body too. My heart is heavy and tired.

When you’re the world’s giver, you have less to give back to you.
And to those who actually give back to you, too.

What I’m realizing is that being selfish is necessary and discernment is a practice that’s long overdue. It’s time to evaluate what to keep and what to lose. It’s time to dig into the structures that carry you—your body, your schedule, your relationships, your work. What {who} nurtures you? What is so soft and delicate, you can’t live without?

What is hard and sharp and drains the warmth from your skin? It’s these things that need editing or deleting entirely. It’s these things that will run you down if left unchecked.

Discernment is liberation and liberation is fuel.
Set fire for your freedom.
You’re the only one with a match
and your fingers are growing cold.

With love,

P.S. Serving my Clients gives me LIFE. If you’re curious to experience how coaching can support you to create the kind of life you want to live NOW versus years from now, email me at kaylamacarthurcoaching@gmail.com to claim a complimentary Create The Impossible Session. 

Words & Wisdom

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