
The Gift of Possibility

Kayla MacArthur

When was the last time you allowed yourself to dream? Like, really dream—not, this-is-what-I-can-see-as-happening dreaming. I’m talking about the kind of dreaming that’s free from any form of resistance. The kind of dreaming that goes beyond what the mind can predict. The kind of dreaming that brings you face to face with a vision you didn’t know existed. When was the last time you played a game with possibility? A game where you call out your deepest desires; where the only rules are: What would you create with your life if you knew you could not fail and you had no fear? When I play this game with my people...

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Are You Living Your Life on the Same Three Mile Loop?

Create, Reinvent
Kayla MacArthur

At the beginning of the year, I set an intention to run another half marathon in May. I created a plan and started to train, but by March, it became clear that my body was not up for the task. The training was too rigorous, too soon. And so, knowing better than to ignore my body’s protests, I hatched a new plan: I would master the three mile loop that stretched behind my house and once I could run that with ease, I would increase the mileage. Forwarding through the summer months, I followed my plan consistently—I’d set off early into the fresh morning, feet pounding the golden pavement as...

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The Power in Declaring it Quits

Kayla MacArthur

Not long ago, you were on top of the world when you declared: THIS! This is it! This is what I want to create next! With excitement fizzing through your veins, you generated a plan. You set goals and deadlines. You determined the actions you needed to take. You even took on some of those actions, riding the high that flows with forward momentum. And then—not ill-meaning on your part—you put the project down because other things required your attention too. And as you focused on those other things {rightfully so}, this beautiful, thrilling idea began to collect dust in the dark corner of your to-do list. The space between...

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How to Create What You Want in Half the Time

kayla macarthur

What if you could create what you want in half the time? What kind of impact would that have on your life? The distinction between the fastest path and the longest path surfaced in my group program this week and I thought I’d share it with you, too. To take the fastest path at any given point on your journey: Identify the CORE OUTCOME you want to achieve vs. what appears to be on the surface. You can arrive at the core outcome by asking yourself: What am I trying to achieve by solving this? For example: Let’s look at time management. What are you trying to achieve by solving...

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When Playing by the Rules Won’t Help You Win

Kayla MacArthur

Following rules has always been your strong suit. Whether that means following your own rules, others’ rules, or a combination of both. Following rules is safe. You know what’s expected of you, therefore, you know exactly how to avoid messing up. Rules keep your life orderly and neat. The same goes for your goals. You dream up a vision, break it down, and work out a system to create what you want {complete with a thick volume of rules to govern the game and WARNING labels to denote when you’re off track}. As long as you’re playing by the book, you feel good—you feel like you’re making progress. You witness...

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How You’re Keeping What You Want Out of Your Life


Think about the thing you want, but you never seem to get. How are YOU keeping it out of your life? When I ask my Clients this question, they tend to get confused. “Why would I keep what I want out of my life, Kayla? I want it! I wouldn’t do that.“ Then, they try to convince me that the REAL reason they don’t have what they want is because of someone else or the circumstances they’re chained to. Other people can be a bitch. Circumstances can be a bitch. But they are not the reason you don’t have what you want. It can feel like other people or circumstances...

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What If the Grass Really Could Be Greener on the Other Side?

Create, Reinvent

When I take a peak into your world, this is what I see: I see that you live on a patch of green, green grass. You’ve spent years watering this grass and it shows. You’re proud of how green this grass is and your comforted by the feel of it beneath your feet… it’s what you know. On the outskirts of your patch of grass, there’s a fence. The fence keeps stuff out. You started building this fence when you were young, plank by plank, experience by experience. It hides the world beyond… and it hides the parts of yourself that you’ve deemed unworthy of water and light. Life on...

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What Would Become Possible if You Stopped Stopping?

Create, Reinvent

You’re either all the way on, completely off, or somewhere in the middle, revving up the momentum you lost from the last time you decided to stop. You’ve chosen greatness because greatness is who you are. And yeah—sometimes the journey gets tough and uncomfortable and like day fading into night, you want a break. You move from actively making your mark on the world back into yourself and the quiet stillness of an ordinary human life. You choose stillness because stillness is who you are too. The thing is though: Stillness will never be enough on its own. That’s because the other part of yourself—the part that’s here to lead...

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The #1 Mindset Hack You Need to Make Your Dreams REAL Next Year

Create, Explore

Generating a list of what you want is easy. Making it real is a whole different story. How do you reconcile the two? I remember a particular day four years ago—October 1st, 2013 to be exact. It was the day the U.S. government was forced into shut down and as a result, all of the National Parks were closed until further notice. While this typically wouldn’t be an issue, that day—it was. You see, that was the exact day my best friend and I were leaving on an eight week road trip across the U.S. with the intention to camp and explore many of the National Parks. I was suffering...

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Three Powerful Shifts From Rich Litvin’s Coaching Intensive

Explore, Reinvent
Rich Litvin

Before we left the Intensive to go back to our lives and a world that didn’t expand like we did, Rich encouraged us to sit with our experiences and our insights—to keep them to ourselves and let them shift how we show up in the world. He encouraged us to let people FEEL our expansion, rather than talk about it. While I have every intention of honoring his wisdom, I also know myself well enough to know that my expansion integrates more deeply from turning around and teaching. While I can’t possibly fit the magnitude of what I experienced into a single blog post, I can share the most powerful...

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