How to Create What You Want in Half the Time


What if you could create what you want in half the time?
What kind of impact would that have on your life?

The distinction between the fastest path and the longest path surfaced in my group program this week and I thought I’d share it with you, too.

To take the fastest path at any given point on your journey:

Identify the CORE OUTCOME you want to achieve vs. what appears to be on the surface. You can arrive at the core outcome by asking yourself: What am I trying to achieve by solving this? For example: Let’s look at time management. What are you trying to achieve by solving time management? What’s the THING you actually want underneath?

​​​​​​​Once your core outcome is clear, the most effective actions also have a habit of becoming clear. And funny enough, time management has a way of solving itself 😉

To take the longest path:

Stay with what’s on the surface and solve that. Don’t put anything out there until it’s perfect. Follow the rules to get it just “right.” Fear making a mess, failing, losing credibility, etc. and then do whatever it takes to avoid that.

Which sounds more empowering to you?

With light, love, & clarity,

Words & Wisdom

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