
The Inner Work I’m Up For in June

Kayla MacArthur

It’s easy for me to be a fine mist. It’s much more difficult for me to be a steady stream. Thank you to my Coach for this analogy, because now I can’t get it out of my head. How honest are you? How willing are you to say and do what’s true for you? How willing are you to ask for what you want, even when there’s a possibility of hearing “no” or letting someone down? I’ve always thought of myself as an honest person, but like everything, there’s a chance to embody more of it. I AM honest, but not everywhere. Sometimes, I want to work with someone, but...

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The Risky Business of Heart Break

Kayla MacArthur

I feel the shield you carry. It’s heavy like armor—impenetrable. In many ways, we all wear armor. We wear it around our hearts to keep the hurt out. The longer life breathes us in, the more bruises we collect and sometimes, they stick around. The faint black and blue—a reminder to hitch the shield up higher because you never know what will come of what. People with the heaviest armor tend to have the most tender hearts. To bear all that love to the world—it’s like getting too close to the sun. It will burn all of you up. My own heart has been broken many times over the years,...

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I Was Never Aware of How Often I Make Myself Invisible…

Create, Reinvent
Kayla MacArthur

Whether that looks like dumbing myself down in conversation or dreading the question: “What do you do?,” it all leads back to hiding. While I knew hiding was going to come up because of the Rich Litvin Intensive, I never realized how often it seeps into my every day life. Bringing this strategy to the surface has been like shining a big ol’ spotlight so when it occurs, I actually SEE IT. Here’s what I’ve been seeing: -I become weird and awkward in conversation, especially if it’s with someone whom I perceive to be further behind on a shared journey. -I feel queasy when sharing my credentials and success {although,...

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Read This When You’re Shrinking, Hiding, or Drowning in Smallness

Kayla MacArthur

Sometimes, you feel so small. And tired. With every passing minute, you shrink a little more. And you wonder: Will I ever rise again? Just last month, you were on top of the world and now you feel like hiding. Actually, when you think about it—this is your predictable pattern. When you zoom out to look at what’s really happening, you see that every time you take a step closer to what you want, every time you reach a milestone {or you don’t}, every time you create something you previously deemed impossible, a switch flips and instead of feeling powerful and mighty, you spiral down into smallness. Your thoughts become...

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How You’re Keeping What You Want Out of Your Life


Think about the thing you want, but you never seem to get. How are YOU keeping it out of your life? When I ask my Clients this question, they tend to get confused. “Why would I keep what I want out of my life, Kayla? I want it! I wouldn’t do that.“ Then, they try to convince me that the REAL reason they don’t have what they want is because of someone else or the circumstances they’re chained to. Other people can be a bitch. Circumstances can be a bitch. But they are not the reason you don’t have what you want. It can feel like other people or circumstances...

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What Do a Guru and a Jerk Have in Common?


You know better than anyone else. AND—you know better for everyone else. You see what other people can’t see for themselves and you use this gift to tell them how to close the gap between where they are and where they could be. Half the time, they praise you. Half the time, they don’t. {Half the time, they secretly seethe behind clenched teeth or become outright defensive and pick a fight}. You’re either a Guru or a Jerk, but underneath who they see, who you’re being is Fixer. Now before you become offended {if you’re feeling charged thus far}, I want you to know: Me too. My natural tendency is...

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What Would Become Possible if You Stopped Stopping?

Create, Reinvent

You’re either all the way on, completely off, or somewhere in the middle, revving up the momentum you lost from the last time you decided to stop. You’ve chosen greatness because greatness is who you are. And yeah—sometimes the journey gets tough and uncomfortable and like day fading into night, you want a break. You move from actively making your mark on the world back into yourself and the quiet stillness of an ordinary human life. You choose stillness because stillness is who you are too. The thing is though: Stillness will never be enough on its own. That’s because the other part of yourself—the part that’s here to lead...

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The Stuff That Will Turn Your Dreams to Reality


The week before the new year is like a sacred sigh. It’s the culmination of celebration for what transpired and the {sometimes uncomfortable} realization of what didn’t. It’s a time to reflect on what you’re taking with you and what you’d like to let go of. It’s a time to envision what’s next. The week unfolds slow and fast, all at the same time. Possibility is palpable. You hold your breath, waiting for the first light of January when you can hit the ground running. The list of what you want to create is a mile long and there’s no time to waste before getting started. If you’re like me,...

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When Did You Stop Growing?

Create, Reinvent

If you only let in what “feels good,” are you shortchanging your growth? I used to be defensive as hell. I hated feedback. I hated reflections. {Even when people had permission to give them}. They made me cringe. They made me cry. I made them mean that I was “doing something wrong.” AKA: a major trigger for me. To protect myself, I was like water on canvas—I never let them sink in. In fact, I went to war. I was “RIGHT.” They were “WRONG.” And as a result, I defended exactly where I didn’t want to stay. That’s the thing with creating what feels impossible—the way you’re used to being...

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What’s Your Word for 2017?

Create, Reinvent
Kayla MacArthur

My word for 2016 was CONNECTION. In choosing this word, I set the divine intention to connect deeper to my Truth, to my intuition, and to my Tribe. Looking back on the year that has passed, I’m in shock as to how deeply this intention has manifested. Officially in 2016, I’ve owned my Truth as a powerful Coach & Manifestor. I’ve allowed myself to operate from the intuitive guidance I am given, no matter how scary or counter-intuitive it feels. And I’ve built an extremely engaged social media Tribe + a rock solid local community, where the relationships run deep and the energy is truly focused on positive support and...

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