The Inner Work I’m Up For in June


It’s easy for me to be a fine mist.
It’s much more difficult for me to be a steady stream.

Thank you to my Coach for this analogy, because now I can’t get it out of my head.

How honest are you?
How willing are you to say and do what’s true for you?
How willing are you to ask for what you want, even when there’s a possibility of hearing “no” or letting someone down?

I’ve always thought of myself as an honest person, but like everything, there’s a chance to embody more of it. I AM honest, but not everywhere.

Sometimes, I want to work with someone, but I’ll hold back because I’m scared they might not want to back.
Sometimes, I’ll hide how I really feel, rather than deal with the discomfort of bringing it out.
Sometimes, I want someone in my life more {or I don’t} and I’ll stay silent because I’d rather not find out what’s on the other side.

The places where I’m not honest, I’m usually quiet. Or bitter. Or I avoid. Until I absolutely can’t or until the other person gets the hint. Fine mist much?

You see, there’s more on the line when you practice being direct… BUT
More has the chance to open up too.

Like my brilliant friend Rob pointed out to me: Are you willing to be with the impact of being you and the repercussions {/POSSIBILITIES} that can come from that?

UGH. No.
But, yes.

My heart wants me to go here. And the next level of my life wants me to go here too. To do this, it’s going to require casting aside an even deeper layer of the chameleon. It’s going to require putting aside the habitual ways I protect myself {and others} from feeling {perceived} discomfort or heart break.

The work I’m up for and the lens I’m bringing this month is: HONESTY.

Even if it kills me, at least it will be ME.


What’s the work you’re up for this month? Connect with me & let me know!

Words & Wisdom

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