The Light & The Dark: What I’ve Learned About Speaking Your Truth


One of the greatest acts of self-love is speaking your truth.

When you’re driving yourself mad from bottling up how you feel, when you’re flat out avoiding how you feel, when you’d rather ignore someone important than share how you really feel, your truth goes unexpressed.

While speaking your truth may be the scariest, most uncomfortable, most difficult thing you could ever do, speaking your truth will set you free.

All that energy you’re using to hide? It will release, redistribute, and realign to something better.

I’ve learned this. Many times over the years and especially over the past month.

The thing about me is that I’m very intuitive. It’s easy for me to sense what others need and match them there. While there’s nothing wrong with this {it can be inherently loving}, the sharp edge is that I masquerade my own wants and desires.

I’ll love at the expense of imprisoning myself {which is not very loving to me}.

I’ll stay in relationships where I keep feeling hurt, but pretend everything’s okay.
I’ll obsess over something behind the scenes, rather than bring it to light to be recognized and released.
I’ll be patient and wait to be seen, but before I know it, years have gone by and I’m even more crushed than I would have been if I made myself seen in the first place.

Of course, speaking your truth does not give you free reign to put down or harm someone else. You are still responsible for speaking your truth in a way that is respectful.

And you must also cope with what speaking your truth opens up. You have zero control over how someone responds and whether or not they stick around.

I’ve lost a best friend from speaking my truth.
I’ve been rejected, hard.
I’ve been ghosted.

But I’ve also been pulled closer.
I’ve also deepened relationships.
And I’ve made room for even more aligned ones to find me.

What I know is that those worth keeping will stick around. Those are the people who will love you back fiercely no matter what.

And even the ones you lose—sometimes they come back. Consider that speaking your truth could be the most loving thing you could do for them. Consider that by speaking your truth, you’ve sparked something in their own soul journey.

I wouldn’t have my business and this beautiful life without someone speaking his truth to me {even if it did shatter my heart in one million pieces}.

Some people are meant to spark you into more of your life.
You are meant to spark people into more of their lives.

Trust your truth and speak it freely.

You loving you is you loving them.
You loving you
is the greatest gift you could give
to you <3

With love,

Words & Wisdom

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