The One Thing You Need to Manifest Success Easily & Effortlessly

Create, Reinvent

There was once a hiccup in time when I almost gave up Coaching.

I questioned if Coaching was what I was really meant to be doing.

You see, Coaching felt hard.
I didn’t enjoy it.
Every time I was about to get on a call, I felt so much resistance bubbling up within me.

Not to mention, I didn’t have any paying clients.

Every time I presented an offer, I was greeted with the sound that every entrepreneur shudders to hear: Crickets.

And so instead, I turned my attention to writing & creating products.

Instead, I went to Bali and I met four fabulous women in one of the most lush and beautiful places I’ve ever been. Between deep discussions on conscious creation and fervently writing our books, these women allowed me the time & space to pick apart my resistance to Coaching.

It wasn’t until I heard one of the women speak about alignment, that everything finally clicked.

Olivia said in so many words:
“Success only comes when you are completely aligned with what you’re doing.”

When she said it, my Higher Self pricked up Her ears and every cell in my body danced with Truth.

It FINALLY made sense: I was completely out of alignment.

I hadn’t found my Coaching—the kind of Coaching that absolutely lit me up; the kind of Coaching where you get off a call with someone and you feel SO ALIVE because of the massive breakthrough you helped to facilitate; the kind of Coaching that you’re SO damn good at because it fully encompasses your zone of genius {the perfect intersection of your unique gifts, talents, skills, interests, & strengths}.

It wasn’t until I fully owned the title of Mindset & Manifestation Coach that I truly fell in love with Coaching.

And it wasn’t until I started to teach, speak, and Coach on everything to do with manifestation and mindset, that I started to experience massive success.

The best part about the success I’m experiencing now is how effortless it is.

Every single day, I am awed as new people reach out to me to enquire about my Coaching. Not only that, but last month, I filled all of the spots to my signature workshop from a handful of posts on social media. I’m also signing people into my premium level of Coaching with confidence and ease and I’m facilitating life-changing breakthroughs that are rattling people to their core.

It feels SO surreal.

Mere months ago, I was wishing for these things. I was journaling about these things and how I longed for them. They felt nowhere in sight.

Now however, everything that I hoped for, everything that I’ve dreamed of, is finally manifesting into physical reality.

And it’s ALL because I’m completely aligned.

I’m completely aligned with my purpose and my mission on this planet. I’ve tapped into my Truth and how to fully embody it every single day. I’m only operating in my zone of genius and I’m gracefully saying no to everything that falls outside of it.

It’s awing how easy success transpires when you’re in alignment and it’s equally as frustrating and difficult to experience success when you’re OUT of alignment.

So, what does being out of alignment feel like and why does it happen?

From a practical perspective, being out of alignment makes what you’re doing feel less than fun! You lose motivation and momentum easily because you don’t enjoy what you’re doing.

From a spiritual perspective, when success feels unusually hard, it’s a signal from your soul that you are not living or expressing yourself in a way that is aligned with your Truth.

Basically, you feel stuck. No matter how hard you try or what actions you take, success doesn’t show up. You feel like you’re wading through mud, making very little progress towards your ultimate vision.

When this happens, it’s a natural tendency to take MORE action {I’ve been there}, but the answer isn’t in doing more, it’s in asking yourself the deep, hard questions—it’s in RE-ALIGNMENT.
➳ Am I 100% clear on my purpose and mission in this world?
➳ Am I carrying out my purpose and mission in a way that is completely aligned with my Truth and my Higher Self?
➳ Am I clear on my zone of genius and is the work I’m doing a full reflection of it?

If I’ve learned anything from my experience of being out of alignment, it’s that everything, no matter how painful or confusing or frustrating, serves a greater purpose.

There’s a reason why I made my debut into the Coaching world with Fitness & Wellness Coaching. If I didn’t lead with that, I would never have started my own business and failed at it, which then led me to question why I failed, which then led me into the realm of manifesting and mindset!

The path to success is never linear. Every experience is meant to teach you something about the next step of your life, and so my friend if you’re feeling stuck, I urge you to ask yourself the hard questions to invite a greater sense of alignment into your life.

Your soul is calling for you to look deeper still & the answer to your success lies in that call <3

With light, love, & consciousness,

Struggling to get to the next level in your life or business? The first session is on me