What If You Made a Mess?


It’s been 40 minutes since our call started.And I still don’t see an opening to support you. I know what you want to create.You’re clear on that. You know how to get there.You’re confident in the path. Most Coaches would leave it here and declare you complete.Most Coaches would say, “Great! You know what you want, you know how to get there, now go off and get it done!” I’m not like most Coaches. Instead, I reflect what’s going on within me: “It sounds like you’ve got this. We’ve been talking for 40 minutes and I still don’t see how I can support you. I’m wondering why you raised your...

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The Mirror You Want {But Don’t Want} To Look In


We sit across from each other. You speak and I listen. I listen deeply—for what is said beneath your words. First, you tell me about your business. You tell me how frustrated you are. How people hardly ever buy from you. How no one can afford your fees. You tell me about your Clients. How they’re driving you MAD because they’re not committed to change. They say they want this thing that you can help them get, but they’re unwilling to put in the work to get it. Next, you tell me about your dreams. You paint a beautiful picture of possibility. It’s vivid and BIG. It’s all you want…...

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Do You Experience Energetic Highs & Lows?


Do you give something your ALL, only to burn out? Feast or famine is typically something you think of when you think of money. It’s not so much something you think of when you think of energy.However, when feast or famine is the place you’re coming from, you tend to find it everywhere. It’s a cycle of extremes, where each extreme drives the other. It’s a cycle that can stretch over days, weeks, years—it doesn’t know time, it only knows high from low, up from down, everything from nothing and nothing in-between. It’s a cycle you can live in for life. And while you can create phenomenal things within its...

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The Trap of Either/Or


Is it just me or does having to choose between one thing you really want {or the other} SUCK?! …Why can’t you have BOTH? Why can’t you travel AND invest with a high-level Coach? Why can’t you crush it at work AND have a thriving relationship? Why can’t you make money AND be happy?  The concept of BOTH is fairly radical for most people. “WAIT: You mean, I can have my cake and eat it too?” YES! The ceiling for possibility is endless when you’re willing to use your imagination and get creative. What stops us humans from seeing the possibility for BOTH is fear and judgment. It’s born from...

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Let’s Talk About Selling


Selling products. Selling services. Selling skills.  To preface this post, I want to say: Everyone I choose to work with is a good-hearted person.And if you’re reading this, I’m willing to bet that YOU are a good-hearted person, too.  What I find, time and time again—for myself, for my Clients, for us good-hearted people—is that we think we have a sales problem when in reality, we have a BELIEVING problem. All selling is, is a vehicle for transformation.All selling is, is a vehicle for service.  Whatever it is you sell, there is a purpose behind it that boils down to: I made this thing to support my fellow humans to...

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Do You Believe in Magic?


When I was a little girl, I believed in magic. I believed in it so much, I thought I was a witch. I made potions from berries that grew wild in the woods. I cast love spells out of poems and flowers. I even made myself a silver wand and told my friends at school that they were witches too. As I grew up and my fairy tale faded, I stopped believing I was a witch, but I never stopped believing in magic. In fact, magic has only become MORE REAL over time.  In 2011, I was shocked to learn that a week before graduating, I was the Valedictorian of...

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The Gift of Possibility

Kayla MacArthur

When was the last time you allowed yourself to dream? Like, really dream—not, this-is-what-I-can-see-as-happening dreaming. I’m talking about the kind of dreaming that’s free from any form of resistance. The kind of dreaming that goes beyond what the mind can predict. The kind of dreaming that brings you face to face with a vision you didn’t know existed. When was the last time you played a game with possibility? A game where you call out your deepest desires; where the only rules are: What would you create with your life if you knew you could not fail and you had no fear? When I play this game with my people...

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The Art of Feeling: When Presence & Sovereignty Collide

Kayla MacArthur

Something I’ve been practicing recently is holding and giving space to how I feel, without acting on or withdrawing from it. I’ve been practicing slowing down to experience the fullness of what’s available to me as a human and to give myself choice in how I respond, when I choose to. For most of my life, things have been different. For most of my life, my instinct has been: How do I express this feeling or make it go away? To be human is to feel. And what I find true for me and my people is that we struggle to BE WITH how we feel. We tend to act...

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Where Are You Directing Your Willpower?


When you want something, you want it. You’re persistent and determined. You’re in it for the long haul. You don’t give up or quit easily. It’s a blessing, right? It can be—when you’re using it as fuel to create more of what you want. Willpower is tricky because it keeps you in the game, but it makes it difficult to see when you’re playing for the other team. Just like willpower is the magic that conjures what you intend to create, it can be the bars that hold you back. Maybe you’re pinning all of your hopes and dreams onto a specific outcome that’s not in the cards for you....

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A Reminder For When You’ve Given All You’ve Got

Kayla MacArthur

You don’t have to carry the weight of worlds on your back. You don’t have to be a dumping ground for negativity. You don’t have to hold space for those who don’t hold it for you too. It is not your responsibility to provide peace to every person on the planet. You do not have to take this on when and where and with whom you don’t want to. Your energy is your gift to the world. Your presence and the way you share it is a gift. And without discernment, this beautiful gift can tarnish and turn the most precious thing to rust. {Advice for you, and mostly me}....

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